Higher Lovibond # to SRM equivalent

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Jackson, NJ
I'm using Beersmith which list Roasted Barley at 300 SRM.
My LHB list their R. Barley at 470-560 Lovibond.

Is the Beersmith SRM number correct or do I need to adjust it up?
You could go to the malter's web site and get a third number and see if two match up. If they are all different, I would go with the malter. Beersmith is just an average historical number, the LHBS is probably a range of stuff they have carried, while the malter will be selling the stuff you used.
This is Muntons Roasted Barley and unfourtunatly they don't list SRM. All references are at 470-560 Lovibond. As we climb the lovibond scale,
SRM and Lovibond diverage as it gets darker.

For instance, Crystal 40 is the same, 40 Lovibond and 40 SRM but
I need to find some conversion to convert the 470 to 560L to an equivalent
SRM number. Beersmith list R. barley at 300 SRM.
They list, on their site, in EBC as 1250 - 1500. Which would roughly be 635-762 SRM.


Wiki for SRM.

Thanks. I missed the EBC # when I looked before.
I wound up cutting my R. Barley amount in half. It ended up at 18.4 SRM for
the whole batch. So its slightly darker. Just above the 18 SRM for the style.

I always wondered why rogue's colors are WAY high on the lovibond scale. just check them out, you will be amazed.