High Gravity recipe question???

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Feb 1, 2011
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Hey guys I'm new at this hobby...but after two batches...I'm addicted!! I am trying to brew up a HG Weizenbock for my best friends wedding. I have a recipe but I need to know what kind of starter to make that will be able to handle this type of OG... I have a Bavarian Hefe about to be bottled..so I have that yeast cake and 2 more vials of WLP300...any suggestions would be much appreciated...sip!!

Here's the recipe link http://hopville.com/recipe/531400/weizenbock-recipes/coomes-weizenbock

Thanks Guys
chico can handle it, np. WLP002. you can pitch 2 vials if you don't feel like making a starter
Thanks for the quick reply...I may not have time to get the WLP002 but if I do I may try that...do u think the 300 wont do the trick or is it that the 002 is just a better strain for this recipe? Thanks again
WLP002 is the Fuller's strain. Chico is WLP001. If you want an actual weizenbock, use a Bavarian Strain. WLP300 should be fine, as far as I know, just pitch the right amount.
Just use the weizen yeast cake you have. Weizens are very sensitive to the pitching rate. Too much yeast will decrease the yeast flavors. Check out the yeast calculator at www.mrmalty.com for the amount of your yeast cake to pitch.
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