Hi everyone, I’m Gabriele from Italy!
I started brewing two years ago using ready-made kits, and now I’m moving on to make my third beer with all-grain brewing.
I recently bought a Klarstein Beerfest with an external PID controller, and just last week I brewed my first beer using a recipe I found on Brewfather.
I’m currently gathering the equipment I need to brew under pressure and to bottle using a counter-pressure filler.
I hope to both help other users and find all the information I need along the way! See you on the forum!
I started brewing two years ago using ready-made kits, and now I’m moving on to make my third beer with all-grain brewing.
I recently bought a Klarstein Beerfest with an external PID controller, and just last week I brewed my first beer using a recipe I found on Brewfather.
I’m currently gathering the equipment I need to brew under pressure and to bottle using a counter-pressure filler.
I hope to both help other users and find all the information I need along the way! See you on the forum!