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Mar 30, 2005
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This is BillS from the old Site.

I have to say that I love the makeover. This is the way that all forums should look and the type I use in the forums I run.

You've done good!! :D
I wasn't on the old site--but welcome to this one!
Are you a long-time brewer? I'm sure the added knowledge will certainly come in handy for us newer brewers!
I'm kind of curious what you mean by old site as well? The old design?
TxBrew said:
I'm kind of curious what you mean by old site as well? The old design?

Yes, I was referring to the old design. I can tell you from experience that the only thing this desing and the old one have in common are the URL. Thats why I said the new Site.

I have not been brewing long. I have been brewing for 6 months and have made 15 batches. Its good to be a rugby player. We drink a lot of beer. :D
Well thanks. I like the forum colors but when I get a little spare time I am going to redo the header. It's better than the first one but still not what I want yet.
TxBrew said:
Well thanks. I like the forum colors but when I get a little spare time I am going to redo the header. It's better than the first one but still not what I want yet.

One of the most visible benefits is that you can find older discussions and have those discussions grouped under the topic they belong in.

One of the downsides is that the non savy computer user might have a harder time using the site. Also, development is a bit more complex because now you need to learn PHP and SQL which you probably already know.

This site is a great boost for the beer making community. You will find member retention will grow because of the easier way you now have the information layed out.

Good job!

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