Well-Known Member
Need help refining a lager recipe/process. Been brewing about 12-13 years and this was my first stab at a lager. Overall I am pleased with it but have two main issues I want to improve on next time: 1) the body is a little thin and 2) the head is gone in a matter of 5-10 seconds. Below is the recipe and process. Any recommendations on correcting the above 2 issues is appreciated.
5 Gal
6# Pilsner
3# Pale Ale
1.25# Flaked Corn
1# Caramel 60
1/2# Munich
1/2# Victory
1 oz Cluster @ 20 min
1 oz Cascade @ whirlpool 15 min @ 170F
2 pks Fermentis W-34/70
OG: 1.051, FG: 1.012
Step Mash: 30 min at 148 and 30 min at 152
5.5 gal into fermenter at 59F for 2 weeks. Slowly raised to 65 after fermentation was almost done.
Closed transferred to keg and lagered at 34F for 3 weeks .
Very clear and good malt flavor. Good tasting beer. It pours with a good head, but it disappears pretty quick. Main problem is the body is thin.
5 Gal
6# Pilsner
3# Pale Ale
1.25# Flaked Corn
1# Caramel 60
1/2# Munich
1/2# Victory
1 oz Cluster @ 20 min
1 oz Cascade @ whirlpool 15 min @ 170F
2 pks Fermentis W-34/70
OG: 1.051, FG: 1.012
Step Mash: 30 min at 148 and 30 min at 152
5.5 gal into fermenter at 59F for 2 weeks. Slowly raised to 65 after fermentation was almost done.
Closed transferred to keg and lagered at 34F for 3 weeks .
Very clear and good malt flavor. Good tasting beer. It pours with a good head, but it disappears pretty quick. Main problem is the body is thin.