2-1/2 days is definitely longer than you want to see. If your sanitation is great you may not have any issues with infection since lager temps will slow other organisms down, too, but I'm sure you'll be battling diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and low attenuation all the way to the end. In my experience WLP802 is not especially slow to start, but I've never tried a lager without a starter.
Assuming you're talking about a 5 gallon batch, 4 packs would have been about the correct pitch rate for that beer as long as they were ultra-fresh (>95% viable). If you got them from your LHBS then it's likely that they were not, so you probably ended up a bit low on the pitch rate. A 2-1/2 day (so far) lag makes it seem like they were probably not fresh at all. Did you oxygenate after the initial pitch?
If it were me, I'd get an appropriately sized starter going with some more WLP802. Try to keep the temp on the starter right around 52F and pitch the full volume into your beer at high krausen. Do not add oxygen at this point. After that, RDWHAHB, and hope for the best!