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Feb 3, 2015
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I am fermenting a Czech Bohemian Pilsner. Pitched 4 packs of WLP802 at 52 F. It has been 2 1/2 days and no signs of fermentation activity and no change in SG (1.054). How long is it safe to wait without danger of spoiling the brew? I don't want to increase temp because I want to stay close to form. I multi-step mashed with Braumeister.

Any suggestions or is this normal for WLP802? Thanks.
2-1/2 days is definitely longer than you want to see. If your sanitation is great you may not have any issues with infection since lager temps will slow other organisms down, too, but I'm sure you'll be battling diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and low attenuation all the way to the end. In my experience WLP802 is not especially slow to start, but I've never tried a lager without a starter.

Assuming you're talking about a 5 gallon batch, 4 packs would have been about the correct pitch rate for that beer as long as they were ultra-fresh (>95% viable). If you got them from your LHBS then it's likely that they were not, so you probably ended up a bit low on the pitch rate. A 2-1/2 day (so far) lag makes it seem like they were probably not fresh at all. Did you oxygenate after the initial pitch?

If it were me, I'd get an appropriately sized starter going with some more WLP802. Try to keep the temp on the starter right around 52F and pitch the full volume into your beer at high krausen. Do not add oxygen at this point. After that, RDWHAHB, and hope for the best!
Thank you for the suggestion. I will start preparing another starter. I am doing a 5 gallon batch and used 4 vials with fresh dates (expiration after may-june). I oxygenated with pure oxygen for 60 seconds (lots of top layer foam).
Good news. After 80+ hours fermentation started strong at 52F. Planning to slowly drop to 50-51F. This yeast is sloooow to quick-in. Thank you all for the suggestions.
Pitched 4 packs of WLP802 [...]

Whoa! $30 in yeast alone! Why not make a starter or a small beer from one pack first? Those generally yield a better and healthier yeast pitch than the packs you buy at the store, due to their inherent age since packaging.

I'm preparing for 2 lagers to be brewed in 2 or 3 weeks, one is using WLP802, the other an Oktoberfest, using WLP820.
It is down to 1.040 from 1.056 in less than 8 hours at 51F.
A properly sized starter would have taken off quicker, but your beer is going to be fine
Update. fermenting like crazy at 51F. SG is down to 1.020. Interestingly, I have a bottom sight tube in my conical and it is boiling like crazy, but I am seeing no bubbling at the stopper.:mug::rockin:
A bit of a necro post here, but it might help others planning to use WLP802 because there's not a lot of info on it. I have my first lager going with it at the moment (first with this yeast, not my first lager). I made a starter which was VERY slow to get going (I was almost going to throw it away with no activity after 48 hours) but eventually got going. I pitched the decanted starter into 1.049 wort 4.5 days ago, pitched at 49F and fermenting at 51F, and it's now sitting at 1.010! That's super fast for a lager. It seems to be that this strain is slow to start out of the pack, but fresh yeast from a starter is hungry and aggressive. Maybe it has low storage viability?
I've used wlp802 a lot the last two years. It is slow to start. When I make a proper sized starter, it will take a full 24 hours to show signs of life. Repitching on the whole cake after cold crashing for 5 days results in an equally slow start.

It is also generally leaves the fg a little higher than 2124. A pilsner or helles mashed at 148 (herms) will generally finish at 1.012.

I do really like the finished products is why I've stuck with it. I've made pilsner, light lager, helles, schwarzbier, bock, oktoberfest, and dunkel.