Help Calculating Dry Hop additions

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
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Help me please.

Dry Hopping = 0 IBUs

So how would I calculate the amount (weight) of hops I would need to dry hop with.

Here's my IBU% breakdown:

60 addition - 7.3%
45 addition - 6.2%
30 addition - 12.1%
15 addition - 14%
15min Whirlpool - 9.8%

This equals 49.4% IBUs

So 50.6% will be dry hopped. But I do not know how to calculated the amount of hops need so that I get a 100% total IBU usage.
Something's wonky with the way you are trying to list/calculate things. What is your recipe?
Well first off listing the percentage of IBU's from your additions is not a very typical way of listing it in a recipe, though you may think in those terms when designing a recipe - for example targeting 40% of your IBUs from the 60 min addition is common. But as you yourself pointed out, the dry hop doesn't add any IBU to the calculation. So you can't get 50% of your IBU from the dry hop. I'm wondering what your real recipe and targets are, and if you are reading AA% 's or something.
I am not sure exactly how you are basing your percent recipe?

With malt I understand

With hops it's always based on percent alpha bitterness that then translates to a HBU (homebrewers unit) or IBU (international bitter unit)?

Hops additions are generally not based on a percentage of weight to addition

So maybe you need to revisit the recipe and use a bitterness calculator to come up with the amount of hops you need to add to achieve the recipe?

Remembering thAt late additions and dry hopping add zero alpha bitterness as mentioned? Just flowery aroma


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