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Nov 13, 2022
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I just started brewing again after a 20 year hiatus. Found some great Craigslist kits for such little cash I had to buy them. So I’m a noob at all grain and kegging, but so far pleased with my results. (Except for getting a gas side fitting leak and losing all 20lbs of co2)

Current projects:
Garbage pale ale (bottled and carbing) this was a mixed of various grains hops and yeast that were included in the kits I bought off CL… it’ll be some sort of oaked hazy dark pale ale fermented with safale T-58 Belgian. 9.6 abv it isn’t terrible. Old school hoppy semi sweet with a slightly soured finish.

Skeeter pee… because I saw 4qt packs of organic lemon juice at Costco. Currently slow to stuck fermentation. Started at 21.5 brix and currently 8 brix. That ‘should’ be almost dry, however actual current hydrometer reading is 1050, not sure which to trust, refeactometer or hydrometer. Tried degassing, oxygenating, re-pitching, adding nutrition… slowly bubbling but it’s been in ferment since 9/22/22…

Consecration clone, souring in fermenter. tastes great. Bottling after the new year.

Have the grains and hops for a Doppel Bock, and a RIS. Just waiting for my new JaDeD IC to arrive.

Anyway- thanks for the community. It’s been helpful so far.
Welcome!! And congratulations on making your first post into bait for forum-fodder: Tell us about your gas side fitting leak so we can enjoy arguing about how 'our' solution is the best and keep this post floating on the first page for a while.... ;)

i don't care what the solution is, but i keep my tank on one of these so i don't lose ALL 20lbs, and maybe just an ounce or two....



And, i know a bit of C++, so i think we've met before? ;)
C'mon Bracc...that's the first thing us old farts did on the PET, only it didn't usually say "HELLO WORLD" and we put the semi-colon after it to sweep it across the screen. :p
Thank's for the scale link though ;)
....as to the gas leak, I'm waiting for most to suggest EVA Barrier and tightening it properly, followed by a combo of those who don't use push in fittings, and those that don't remember to pull the collars out, got a leak and gave up, and the detail-oriented who'll explain how to use hot water or a heat gun to swag it over a SS (NOT PC!) swivel nut or other barb.
Welcome!! And congratulations on making your first post into bait for forum-fodder: Tell us about your gas side fitting leak so we can enjoy arguing about how 'our' solution is the best and keep this post floating on the first page for a while.... ;)
Haha. Yeah, I moved a few kegs around and one of the 1/4” swivel nuts was apparently not torqued down enough and came loose. It was 115F here in Sacramento, my keezer was set to 32F and I hd been enjoying an icy pint of cream ale at the end of the work day. I was sorely disappointed when there was not beer coming out that day, but obviously had about 1 gallon left. (On the other hand, I had to drink that gallon up that afternoon all at once…)