Hard Apple Lemonade?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2013
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All hard lemonade recipes I have seen use lemonade concentrate and water. Has anyone used applejuice to add an apple favor and a little extra sugar content? Maybe just ferment the cider then back sweeten/carb with lemonade concentrate?

Seems like it would be a refreshing summer drink aged a few months and carbed. Would this work? Anyone done it?
I would think backsweetening a must here. Tart apple and tart lemon when dry will make you pucker
Ferment out the apple juice then a can of Apple juice concentrate and a can of lemonade concentrate. Stove top pasteurized when carbed. Would that be enough back sweetening?
For a five gallon batch I would think that would be sweet but very tasty. Obviously it depends how sweet you like your beverages, but I use two 12 oz cans of concentrate to sweeten 5 gallons of cider to good effect. Interested in the results of your lemonade cider!