Group Buy in Chicago #14

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Group Buy #14 is open and will remain open until October 11, 2015. PM me for more details.
Thanks for putting on another one of these buys. I love the new way to pay, it's so easy. Thanks again
Just a reminder that the current grain group buy will close in one week, October 18th. Reason being is that I was out of town this weekend and will be out of town next weekend as well. Pick up will be the weekend of October 24-25. Sorry for any inconvenience.
First delivery of malt arrived today. The second will arrive tomorrow. Pickups are this weekend.

Figured as much based on how they were spaced out in the past. Any plans to do another hop group buy?

I hope to be in on the next buy, i'll try to bring a few bottles of my RIS when I come down :)
Already took place. I'm not caught up with my subscription on hbt so I couldn't post on here for GB#15. But join our Facebook group or our forums to keep up with our clubs latest activities including group buys. See my signature for the links. Thanks.