good lagering fridge

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Hello all,
What would be a good fridge for lagering? I mainly am looking for a fridge that is big enough that I can fit a 5 gallon better bottle without having to modify the fridge. Currently I'm using a mini fridge where I had to bend the freezer portion upwards and rip out the plastic part (you know, for eggs and butter and condiments) of the front door. Unfortunately I had to remove the seal to get that part. I tried gluing it back on but the glue won't hold. I've temporarily solved the problem by propping the fridge against the wall so that the door stays closed and the seal stays in place but I'd like to avoid that in the future.
thanks Find a used chest freezer or fridge. You can add a temp controller for lagering. When I was looking for mine I saw some chest freezers for as low as $25 and I'm sure there is some negotiating room in there!!