Golden Globes... does anyone care?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2007
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Susquehanna Valley, PA
I honestly had no clue about this until last night... they made such a fuss about it on NBC you'd have thought someone important had died...

Is it just me, or does anyone else not really give a flying f*** about hollywood and all the drama that ensues from that wasteland of rich buttholes?

My wife watches Entertainment Tonight and Access and I have to leave the room, I just don't care about Anna Nicole's kid taking a sh** for the first time, or about TomCat, or anything about Brittney Spears' vag***... it just doesn't interest me.
Man, I'm so with you on this. In general I can't stand Hollywood/celebrities. The worst are those stupid MTV shows about young rich kids who can't hold intelligent conversations (e.g. The Hills, Laguna Beach, Newport Harbor). It just creates more useless-no-apparent-reason-celebrities...
Coudnt care less about what goes on in hollywood. I get pissed when something "big" happens to some actor and thats all the news covers for a week. Chicks seem to eat it up though.
There were Golden Globes awards? I've gotten to the point where I am (happily) completely disconnected from what goes on in the world of media and celebrity. It really annoys me that so much media attention is put on people who are generally annoying, often poor role models and sometimes downright horrible people. The only thing that bothers me more is that people eat this s%^& right up. I don't consider myself to be an elitist, but as soon as someone around me starts talking about Britanny or some other moron's life as news, I immediately feel good about myself because I'm smarter than that c*&^tard. Then I go read a book.
Thank god I'm not the only one. I HATE award shows. There is nothing more annoying than watching Hollywood pat itself on the back. Access Hollywood and ALL the other shows mentioned in this thread suck too.

I honestly get a little pissed when one of those shows is on in my house. My wife, however, loves all that crap.
Didn't know, didn't care. Especially the Golden Globes - most meaningless of all the awards, since they can be bought. I might tune it to the Oscars and the Grammys, but that's it.

However, I heard on the radio this morning that they entire GG awards show was only ~30 mins. long b/c of the writers strike. Nobody was there, so it was basically reading the nominees and announcing the winner. All awards shows should be this long.
I was busy playing with my wife's golden globes ...

I've never met a guy who cared about any awards show period, so you're right.
kornkob said:
Golden globes? Is that like blue balls?
No, golden globes are usually held up by a bra...

+1 to the whole thread. I hate awards shows, I can't stand the sense of entitlement of most Hollywood-folk, and I don't care that a bunch of writers think they're being wronged. Soon enough, they'll either get paid more, go back to work because they're starving, or someone else (likely more talented) will step up and start writing for a cheaper price. I really don't care how it turns out.
Be warned: anyone who answers "yes" will receive the obligatory cock-punch.
Man are you kidding I was on the seat of my chair!!!

jk :fro:

Yup I'm pretty glad I don't know sh*t about whats going on. SWMBO on the other hand eats it up. We had to leave the gym early last night so she could watch it! I like to watch The Soup pretty much for this reason, I get to know the funny/bad parts of this stuff....
Golden Globes? Isn't that a p0rn site? :D

Actually, I pay no attention to Hollywood's BS parties where they pat each other on the back for no good reason and then stand up and spew their socialist dogma and rant about how much they hate America.

Nope, don't miss it a bit.
EdWort said:
Golden Globes? Isn't that a p0rn site? :D

Actually, I pay no attention to Hollywood's BS parties where they pat each other on the back for no good reason and then stand up and spew their socialist dogma and rant about how much they hate America.

Nope, don't miss it a bit.

Ah, come on...would you actually watch that crap if they were all a bunch of flag-waving redstaters? I couldn't care less what their political beliefs are...they're still a bunch of self-important twats.
Hell no!

+1 to all previous posts, too. Personally, I don't understand why anyone pays any attention to them. Ok, they are in movies and stuff, why does that make them any better than anyone else? I love how they are all self important and try and give advice to people or share their political beliefs like they know what they're talking about just because they are on the E! channel.

I don't watch that crap, and I refuse to go to the movies unless it's something I really want to see (LOTR, Narnia, etc.). Don't go to the movies and that's $9 or whatever ridiculous sum they are charging these days that doesn't go back to them.
Evan! said:
Ah, come on...would you actually watch that crap if they were all a bunch of flag-waving redstaters? I couldn't care less what their political beliefs are...they're still a bunch of self-important twats.

No I would not, but either way, I agree with you as I don't give a flip what they think. Self-important twats. LOL!
Danny013 said:
Hell no!

+1 to all previous posts, too. Personally, I don't understand why anyone pays any attention to them. Ok, they are in movies and stuff, why does that make them any better than anyone else? I love how they are all self important and try and give advice to people or share their political beliefs like they know what they're talking about just because they are on the E! channel.

I don't watch that crap, and I refuse to go to the movies unless it's something I really want to see (LOTR, Narnia, etc.). Don't go to the movies and that's $9 or whatever ridiculous sum they are charging these days that doesn't go back to them.

that right there made my day.:mug:
Danny013 said:
I refuse to go to the movies unless it's something I really want to see (LOTR, Narnia, etc.). Don't go to the movies and that's $9 or whatever ridiculous sum they are charging these days that doesn't go back to them.

+2. I usually will drop 1 dollar on a Redbox DVD if it's a good action or comedy movie and take it home to watch on the 40" LCD TV.

That's how much support Hollywood gets from me.
EdWort said:
+2. I usually will drop 1 dollar on a Redbox DVD if it's a good action or comedy movie and take it home to watch on the 40" LCD TV.

That's how much support Hollywood gets from me.

I'm with you Ed. The last time I took booze to the movie it had to be in a flask, and we ran out.

But my wife reads People Magazine and will watch E.....drives me batty.