With COVID things have changed.
But I have been able to find commercial kegerators, BeverageAir and True for 75-250, some have worked great, needed no repairs, others have needed minimal repair, a thermostat or a fan, sometimes a door seal, but all those parts are cheap and easily replaced. Often times they would come with a single faucet tower which I would replace with a triple faucet tower and add a gas manifold. Usually I would have more in the upgrades than the original price of the unit. Several time I had to drive an hour or two in each direction, but big deal a Saturday afternoon drive to get it was worth it to me. Occasionally I would get enough extras, empty keg shells and CO2 bottles, that I sold the extras and had nothing in the kegerator itself. They can be found, one has to be patient and diligent and watch for them. For a while I had an app on my phone that watched Craigslist and would notify me if anything in one of the search terms was a hit. Currently I have three smaller units with triple faucet towers and a larger box with two triple towers and a single tower with a nitro faucet. I had two smaller units BM-23 that I sold when I bought the big box, then would run across another deal and pick it up too.
Good luck.