British - apparently some US company stole my name
As an aside, I've just come across this on how IPA relates to Bengal Lancer :
TLDR - IPA was created by Reg Drury at 4.8% on cask using just Goldings, Lancer is a similar beer created by John Keeling and Derek Prentice tinkering, using Goldings and Fuggles in the copper and then dry-hopping with Goldings and Target (see also the main Fuller partigyle) in the FV. They were offered a small contract to do it for a UK supermarket which fell through in the end, but then it won a blind tasting for the Swedish alcohol monopoly and so it went into production. One of the comments suggests that the Swedes are now labelling Lancer as a 5.3% IPA.
The Lancer webpage lists the grist as crystal and pale, and the hops as 47IBU of Fuggles and Goldings, ABV is 5% in cask and 5.3% in bottle.
TLDR - IPA was created by Reg Drury at 4.8% on cask using just Goldings, Lancer is a similar beer created by John Keeling and Derek Prentice tinkering, using Goldings and Fuggles in the copper and then dry-hopping with Goldings and Target (see also the main Fuller partigyle) in the FV. They were offered a small contract to do it for a UK supermarket which fell through in the end, but then it won a blind tasting for the Swedish alcohol monopoly and so it went into production. One of the comments suggests that the Swedes are now labelling Lancer as a 5.3% IPA.
The Lancer webpage lists the grist as crystal and pale, and the hops as 47IBU of Fuggles and Goldings, ABV is 5% in cask and 5.3% in bottle.