Full volume boil?

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Mr. Awesome

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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What are the advantages and disadvantages to a full volume boil verses a partial boil. Why do you use fewer hops for a full volume boil?
Its not so much the volume of the boil, its the gravity. As gravity increases (more solids) hops utilization deceases. You also eliminate the need to boil your add in water separately (if necessary). Look into late extract addition.
Disadvantages, you need a bigger pot, more difficult to cool larger volumes, more energy to heat.
5 Is Not Enough said:
Its not so much the volume of the boil, its the gravity. As gravity increases (more solids) hops utilization deceases. You also eliminate the need to boil your add in water separately (if necessary). Look into late extract addition.
Disadvantages, you need a bigger pot, more difficult to cool larger volumes, more energy to heat.
Right, it's the wort's gravity that effects hop utilization.

That's why I try to keep all my worts at about 1.040-1.045.;)