From Malaysia - Can I get a lower FG?

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Feb 8, 2010
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Hi, have been on HomeBrewTalk for a short while now, but don't think I've introduced myself. How rude!

I'm a starting all-grain brewer, but since I'm based in Malaysia I have no access to most of the needed ingredients. So I'm trying out with kits. I did a 22 liters brew with the Cooper's Traditional Draught, and added only 1kg of Muntons Beerkit Enhancer. The brew that started at OG 1.042, and is now down to 1.014. Problem is it has been at 1.014 for a couple of days now, at around 87F. I can't get it any cooler with daytime temperatures in the 90s. The fermentation was done in about 2 days (not surprising given the high temperatures here). So I guess 1.014 is probably what I can expect to get at under these circumstances, and I don't want to keep it out too long. Does anyone out there have a suggestion as to what I can do more to get the a lower FG?

By the way, I've done quite a number of brews in these temperatures, which have all come out quite good actually. This is a first for the Cooper's Traditional Draught, though. I'm surprised that it has a good taste to it, some body, even though still in the fermenter, and only having added half the suggested amount of fermentable sugars.

Any suggestions are welcome!:ban:
Thats about 67% attenuation, which might be a hair low for your yeast, depending on the strain. But considering the yeast, plus your fermentation conditions, and the likely condition of the ingredients, I wouldn't stress about it. Keg/Bottle it and enjoy.

Yes, attenuation bit on the low side, just within the margins. Checked back the kit I made it from,........,:cross: passed best before date. :eek: Well, that's what you get when you import your kits, and forget about them!:D
Decided to wait a bit more, and then bottle it (no kegging around here). I've had a bit of a taste, and it promises to be very drinkable!!! Thanks for your reply. You're the man!:rockin:
Have you tried using what we call a "swamp cooler"? You can get the temp lower around the fementer by setting it in another container filled with water, add a few ice packs or frozen bottle water and wrap a towel around the fermenter so it leaches the cool water up to cool the vessel during fermentation. Lots of ideas and photos for swamp coolers here at HBT. The FG is likely as low as it will go, sorry no help there. Enjoy & Cheers:tank:
Yep, tried the swamp cooler treatment, but the patient didn't like it. Kept dragging ice cubs to the pond. Have been thinking about making a closed cooler box from extruded polystyrene to fit my fermenter in. I actually have a second fridge converted into a fermenter. Problem this time was there's other brews in there :D. Should get myself another bigger fridge, because this is no way of living! Anyway, there seems to be a little fermentation going on still, so will keep it there, although I agree that FG is probably not going down much more. Since this was my first Cooper's Traditional Draught, just wanted to make sure bottles aren't going to jump the pond. Guess they won't :ban:!

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