founders red's rye ipa clone

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Brewed fullstop 22s recipe a little bit back in the thread but in beer smith his hop additions resulted in two many ibus according to founders web site so I pulled them down until it matched this beer is spot on I'm going to try and find a founders tonorrow at specs to do a side by side. This ones color looks right to me and it tastes spot on if I remember correctly

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My beer next to founders taste it's spot on!!!

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View attachment 195911

Brewed fullstop 22s recipe a little bit back in the thread but in beer smith his hop additions resulted in two many ibus according to founders web site so I pulled them down until it matched this beer is spot on I'm going to try and find a founders tonorrow at specs to do a side by side. This ones color looks right to me and it tastes spot on if I remember correctly

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Would you mind posting your exact recipe? Thanks!
I did an all grain but I can convert it to extract when I get home. I am at a wedding out of town until Monday I will post it sometime next week.

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I think he was after the "exact" recipe, not an "extract" recipe. In other words, what specific adjustments did you make to fullstop 22's recipe?
Yea I misread it, been drinking and on my phone I'll post it

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Oh yea I brewed the grooms favorite beer and we growlered it for his groommens gifts. Belgium golden strong ale 10.2% in the style of delirium tremens.... Turned out spot onImageUploadedByHome Brew1403309680.549691.jpg

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Zombie thread...I'm brewing this as we speak. First attempt. I will report back as this is one of my favorite beers in all the land.

8.25 lb 2-row
2 lb rye
0.75 lb C80
0.75 lb C40
0.5 lb carapils
4 oz aromatic

Mashed at 152

0.5 oz Summit 60
1 oz Amarillo 30
1 oz A 20
1 oz A 10
1 oz A 5
1 oz A flameout

Dry hop tbd but my notes say 3 oz Amarillo

Safale US 05
Zombie thread...I'm brewing this as we speak. First attempt. I will report back as this is one of my favorite beers in all the land.

8.25 lb 2-row
2 lb rye
0.75 lb C80
0.75 lb C40
0.5 lb carapils
4 oz aromatic

Mashed at 152

0.5 oz Summit 60
1 oz Amarillo 30
1 oz A 20
1 oz A 10
1 oz A 5
1 oz A flameout

Dry hop tbd but my notes say 3 oz Amarillo

Safale US 05

Tested and tasted today. Very promising. Gonna give it a few days before I dry hop.
So I finally got back to it today. Transferred it from primary (bucket) to keg and put 2 oz Amarillo in for dry hop and put it on gas and into the kegerator. Then I smelled the bucket and I got a smell I can only describe as "B.O." Hard to expand on it beyond that. I think more onions than cheese but I can't be certain. Pulled a warm sample on the tap and got the same smell/taste. So I was pretty bummed about that. Never quite had that experience. I've been doing some reading and it seems like that can be caused by either hops or infection. I've only used a half ounce of this bag of Amarillo before today and that was to dry hop. I just checked and pulled a small sample just now and I don't know if it's due to getting chilled down or what, but the odor/taste seems to have faded. Got my fingers crossed. Beyond that I don't think I quite got the color right. We'll see how it turns out and if the odor comes back at all.

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So I finally got back to it today. Transferred it from primary (bucket) to keg and put 2 oz Amarillo in for dry hop and put it on gas and into the kegerator. Then I smelled the bucket and I got a smell I can only describe as "B.O." Hard to expand on it beyond that. I think more onions than cheese but I can't be certain. Pulled a warm sample on the tap and got the same smell/taste. So I was pretty bummed about that. Never quite had that experience. I've been doing some reading and it seems like that can be caused by either hops or infection. I've only used a half ounce of this bag of Amarillo before today and that was to dry hop. I just checked and pulled a small sample just now and I don't know if it's due to getting chilled down or what, but the odor/taste seems to have faded. Got my fingers crossed. Beyond that I don't think I quite got the color right. We'll see how it turns out and if the odor comes back at all.

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Life has gotten busy and this has just been sitting in the kegerator. I cleaned lines today and tried it again. Definitely a hint of that oniony taste/aroma still, but it's definitely improved. Once it warmed up it got a little worse. Looks like I will drink it and drink it cold.
I love these old threads, good information never dies. Brewing this tonight with some slight alterations, will post my recipe tomorrow. I have a question if anyone still reads this thread...

Have most of you dry hopped this one in primary or did you have better results with a secondary?

For most of my beers I only do primary, but always feel weird dry hopping in primary? Thoughts? Thanks!
I always dry-hop in my primary, as I don't ever secondary. Of course, I haven't been brewing a whole year yet, so take that for what it's worth.
I have a starter of Bell's "House Yeast" grown from 4 bottles of Oberon. What are your opinions about using it for a batch of Red's Rye clone instead of the WY#1056 I have in the fridge?
I have a starter of Bell's "House Yeast" grown from 4 bottles of Oberon. What are your opinions about using it for a batch of Red's Rye clone instead of the WY#1056 I have in the fridge?

I don't think Oberon uses their house's an american wheat beer right? I's stick with chico.
Have most of you dry hopped this one in primary or did you have better results with a secondary?

For most of my beers I only do primary, but always feel weird dry hopping in primary?

I started doing it recently but then stopped because it was giving my beers a weird flavor. Some might argue that it's fine because your yeast has finished fermenting and you won't ferment the hop flavors but it really depends on what works with your system
I started doing it recently but then stopped because it was giving my beers a weird flavor. Some might argue that it's fine because your yeast has finished fermenting and you won't ferment the hop flavors but it really depends on what works with your system

I can't say I noticed any... My partygoers demolished the entire batch of a Founder's Reds Rye clone (brewed with Bell's yeast for kicks) with complements. It was pretty close. Many of these guys are "accomplished" enough to have noticed and mentioned any off tastes/flavors.

What off-flavors have you noticed?
Thread is so old it maybe dead. But, I had to dig it up.

I've been trying to get a bottle or two of the Founds Red Rye IPA for ever. So if you can't find it! brew it! I took FullStop22 recipe and tweaked it little.

Here what I call the RedRye Redemption.
Mashing at 152 with all the crystal malts I just can bring myself to mash any higher. I've never used CaraRed but I've been wanting to try it. I dropped the Cara-Pils down. Like I said, I just can't have an IPA finishing that high. I like them a little dryer but I think Founders wants this beer to be a little sweeter. I dropped the Aromatic and for a little more Munich 20L. They are about the same and want to make sure a good malt flavor/character was present. IBUs are a tad higher than what the Founders beer is at 70. I'm using some hops from 2017 and 2018 which have been in my freezer. I'm to lazy to plug them into the Hops ager. I'm thinking a 10% alpha loss which puts me right in at 70ish range. Brewing it up Sunday. I'll let you know how it turns out.

11 Gallons E.SG 1.067 E.FG 1.017 E.ABV 6.7% IBU 77 SRM 13 Yeast Cal Ale @67F

RedRye Redemption
16 lbs​
Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)​
60.4 %​
1.25 gal​
3 lbs​
Rye Malt (4.7 SRM)​
11.3 %​
0.23 gal​
2 lbs 12.0 oz​
Munich 20L (Briess) (20.0 SRM)​
10.4 %​
0.21 gal​
2 lbs​
Carared (20.0 SRM)​
7.5 %​
0.16 gal​
12.0 oz​
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM)​
2.8 %​
0.06 gal​
12.0 oz​
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM)​
2.8 %​
0.06 gal​
12.0 oz​
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 80L (80.0 SRM)​
2.8 %​
0.06 gal​
8.0 oz​
Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM)​
1.9 %​
0.04 gal​
1.00 oz​
Perle, U.S. [8.25 %] - Boil 60.0 min​
14.9 IBUs​
1.00 oz​
Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 40.0 min​
7.9 IBUs​
1.00 oz​
Amarillo [9.20 %] - Boil 30.0 min​
9.8 IBUs​
1.00 oz​
Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 30.0 min​
5.8 IBUs​
1.00 oz​
Perle, U.S. [8.25 %] - Boil 30.0 min​
8.8 IBUs​
3.00 oz​
Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 15.0 min​
13.1 IBUs​
2.00 oz​
Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 10.0 min​
8.3 IBUs​
2.00 oz​
Cascade [5.50 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 20.0 min, 194.4 F​
5.0 IBUs​
1.00 oz​
Amarillo [9.20 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 20.0 min, 194.4 F​
4.2 IBUs​
4.00 oz​
Amarillo [9.20 %] - 3.0 Days Before Bottling for 5.0 Days​
0.0 IBUs​
Was one of my favorites and I picked it up often when grabbing beers at the store. Did something similar to this a year ago but I should dig up my old notes and do a brewday with that recipe. It was a crowd pleaser and went way too quickly. Good luck with brew day!
Some Zombies are worth keeping around.. such as this Reds Rye thread. Researching this brew because I really miss it, I find that Founders now includes Abby malt in their description with Caramel and Rye, FWIW.

I might swap out some 2 row for Abby and see how it goes. This is one I plan on having on tap for Paddys day.