founders red's rye ipa clone

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For medium and dark crystal how bout 40L and 120L. This may be my next brew. Thanks for posting the recipe.

I'll try to look up the exact recipe I used... but I wound up subbing my own mix of different Lovibond malts. I didn't realize my homebrew shop didn't have medium/dark. I think I had a pretty even mix of 40, 60, 80, and 120 to just ballpark what I felt the spirit of the recipe was. I put it into brew smith later and saw that the results for color and OG were pretty much identical.
gonna try this brew tomorrow with this (10G batch)

16# 2-row
4# rye
1.5# C80
2# carapils
1.5# C40
1# aromatic

2 oz perle 60 min
2 oz amarillo 30 min
2 oz amarillo 15 min
2 oz amarillo 5 min
2 oz amarillo 0 min

Mash in @ 152
Dryhop 6oz of Amarillo for 7 days
WY 1056 american ale
OG 1.063

We do not get red rye hear in texas, but Ive had it many times while traveling for business. One of my favs.
Any suggestions on the recipe above is welcomed. kinda merged zrule and mb's together a bit with some tweaks per mb's suggestions.
This beer came out amazing. Too bad it's damn near a pound of hops for a 10G batch with the shortage of amarillo this year. I would love to do this one again. maybe after my brew season is over if I have enough hops left.
Hey guys. I was hoping to make an extract version of the recipe back in reply #23. Here is my conversion as it stands. Let me know if you guys have any input or corrections. Thanks!

Extract Version: 5 gallons

OG - 1.062 Color - 13
Est FG - 1.015 ABV - 6.2%

6 lbs 12 oz Light Dry Extract (65.8%)
1 lb 5.3 oz Rye Malt (13%)
1 lb 0.9 oz Carapils (10.3%)
7 oz Crystal 80 (4.3%)
7 oz Crystal 60 (4.3%)
3.9 oz Caravienne Malt (2.4%)

1.4 oz Perle 8% @ 60 min (26 IBU)
1.4 oz Amarillo 10.4% @ 30 min (26 IBU)
1.4 oz Amarillo 10.4% @ 15 min (16.8 IBU)
1.9 oz Amarillo 10.4% @ flameout
2.86 oz Amarillo 10.4% dry hop 7 days

Wyeast 1056

3.5 gallon boil, topped off when poured in fermenter.
Hey guys. I was hoping to make an extract version of the recipe back in reply #23. Here is my conversion as it stands. Let me know if you guys have any input or corrections. Thanks!ou

I usually do all grain but from what I remember you can't just steep rye malt unless you plan on doing a mini mash with that stuff... I think.

I did recently do an extract batch of a different recipe with Northern Brewer's Rye extract -

If you're in Chicago, come on up to Milwaukee and grab some. They even had some Amarillo last time I was there and I know it is hard to come by recently.
Hmmm, that Rye extract looks pretty interesting. Not sure how I'd calculate it in to the recipe though. I actually passed through Milwaukee this weekend, would have stopped if I'd known. Haha.

As far as mashing the rye, could I just do an extended steeping instead? Like a 45 minute steep?
I hardly ever hear you talking about water, especially when using rye. Rye tends to increase water Ph so without adjusting you can't get the right flavour (not to mention some minerals ratios - chloride to sulfate etc).
Correct me if I'm wrong
Getting ready to do a 5 gal clone attempt of Red's Rye PA:

Recipe: Red's Rye Pale Ale-US caramel version
Style: 14B-India Pale Ale(IPA)-American IPA

Recipe Overview

Wort Volume Before Boil: 8.00 US gals
Wort Volume After Boil: 6.00 US gals
Volume Transferred: 5.50 US gals
Water Added: 0.00 US gals
Volume At Pitching: 5.50 US gals
Final Batch Volume: 5.00 US gals
Expected Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.048 SG
Expected OG: 1.063 SG
Expected FG: 1.015 SG
Expected ABV: 6.4 %
Expected ABW: 5.0 %
Expected IBU (using Rager): 70.3
Expected Color: 12.2 SRM
Apparent Attenuation: 75.0 %
Mash Efficiency: 70.0 %
Boil Duration: 60.0 mins
Fermentation Temperature: 66 degF

US 2-Row Malt 10.00 lb (66.7 %) In Mash/Steeped
US Rye Malt 2.50 lb (16.7 %) In Mash/Steeped
US Carapils Malt 1.00 lb (6.7 %) In Mash/Steeped
Belgian Aromatic Malt 0.50 lb (3.3 %) In Mash/Steeped
US Caramel 120L Malt 0.50 lb (3.3 %) In Mash/Steeped
US Caramel 60L Malt 0.50 lb (3.3 %) In Mash/Steeped

German Northern Brewer (8.0 % alpha) 21 g Loose Pellet Hops used 60 Min From End
German Northern Brewer (8.0 % alpha) 21 g Loose Pellet Hops used 30 Min From End
US Amarillo (10.3 % alpha) 28 g Loose Pellet Hops used 20 Min From End
US Amarillo (10.3 % alpha) 28 g Loose Pellet Hops used 10 Min From End
US Amarillo (10.3 % alpha) 28 g Loose Pellet Hops used 1 Min From End
US Amarillo (10.3 % alpha) 56 g Loose Pellet Hops used Dry-Hopped

Other Ingredients

Yeast: DCL US-05 (formerly US-56) SafAle

Figuring on a mash temp of 154°.

60 minute boil.

Thanks to this thread! Will post results

gonna try this brew tomorrow with this (10G batch)
I ended up backing off the rye a tiny bit, using 2 lb, not 2.5

I underestimated my boil-off in the last couple batches resulting in a slightly higher OG, hence backing off the rye. Actually hit the numbers pretty well this time: estimated preboil and OG was 1.046 and 1.061 respectively. I got 1.046 and 1.060.

Mashed at 155. I seem to finish dryer than the calculations estimate on every batch, so tried to offset this a bit with the higher temp.

5 gal strike water; assumed 2 gal loss to grain absorption; added 1 gal at 170° to mash out (rectangular cooler tun, Denny Conn's batch sparging method). 1st runnings gave me the 4 gal I was hoping for. Batch sparged another 4 gal to collect my 8 gal. (went for 8 gallons because of the higher boil off results I've gotten in the winter months). Problem is... my SS boil pot, which was advertised ( as 36 qt is truly only 32, as my 8 gallons would have almost overflowed. Left a little bit out. (up until now, I hadn't actually measured the volume of the pot and had always assumed it was the 9 gal)

There was a lot of break material and/or hop matter (4 oz of pellets in the boil, all loose). I'm going to end up with under 5 gal in the end, but so be it. I only transferred over 5 gallons (not 5.5) because of how much "stuff" was in the bottom of the pot. My carboy is 6 gal, not 6.5, so this may be for the best anyways. (Have used the buckets with lots of headroom for primaries for all previous batches)

Going to pick up a 5 gal better bottle this weekend to use as a secondary when I dry hop this with the 2 oz of amarillo.

Used dry yeast for the first time in a year (my ill-fated MrBeer brews and my one pre-hopped extract amber brew were all dry yeast, and then I switched to full boils and liquid yeast with starters last summer). Pitched s-05 after the carboy was down to 65° (cold basement floor got it down after I had used the immersion chiller to get to the upper 70s) and attached my fermwrap and Johnson controller. Got a big blow off tube jammed into the neck of the carboy and out to a bucket of star-san solution. Hoping it kicks into gear while at work today and I go home to find it bubbled away.
I looked at all the info on this thread and brewed this.

8.68lb Pale Malt
1.45 lb Rye
1.23lb Cara-Pils
.55lb Crystal 80
.5lb Crystal 40
.4lb Aromatic
.4lb crystal 60
.5oz Pearle 60min
.55oz Cascade 45min
.5oz Amarillo 30min
.85oz Cascade 30min
.5oz Pearle 30min
1.68oz Cascade15min
1oz Cascade 10min
.5oz Amarillo 0 min
1oz Cascade 0 min
2oz Amarillo Dry

I mashed at 153 would bump to 155. I used home grown fresh dried cascades. pellet may work a bit better.
This was scored at 38 by John Palmer recently 37 over all. Thanks for all the info.
My son and his buddy did a blind taste test both were wrong trying to pic the real thing from the clone. Reds rye is my sons favorite beer.
I'm going to be brewing this soon. I based my recipe on what the original emails to founders suggest and using Perle and Amarillo since that appears to be what they used.
I think I read all the posts on here unless I missed a few pages but did not see any comments on the yeast that was chosen in the original recipe. WY1056 seemed to be a good choice in regards to the yeast?
I read somewhere on here a while ago that they use 1056 in everything, and that supposedly came directly from Founders.
I read somewhere on here a while ago that they use 1056 in everything, and that supposedly came directly from Founders.

Awesome thanks...and it looks as if it is still anyones guess at what the best recipe is here? No one has quite nailed it down it looks?
Just found out my Rye IPA (Foudners clone attempt) got 2nd place in the specialty category (20 entries) at the Merrimack Valley Homebrew comp:
Still think it lacked the firm bitterness compared to Foudners, but still damn tasty. Will need to use gypsum in the next attempt to see if that makes the difference
Found some Founder's RyePA this weekend and had a few. Definitely much firmer biterness bite, more hop aroma,and deeper red than my attempt. That said, I don't know that I will change my recipe other than to add some gypsum to the boil. My rye IPA was smoother and still had much of the rye and amarillo in the taste that made me want to attempt to brew something like the Founders beer.
Just hand on and also have about 90% of the brewing cloning bill and hops here at the house.. going into the carboys this week.
Hey guys. I was hoping to make an extract version of the recipe back in reply #23. Here is my conversion as it stands. Let me know if you guys have any input or corrections. Thanks!

Here's the extract version I'm going to try in 2 weeks when my Uinta Wyld clone is out of my primary.

Safale US-05 Dry Yeast

.5lb Carapils
.25lb Aromatic

9lbs NB Rye LME

1oz Perle @ 60
1oz Amirillo @30
1oz Amarillo @ 15
1oz Amarillo @ 0
1oz Amarillo dry hop last 7 days in secondary

I do a 3 gallon boil topped off in the fermenter. The rye lme is 20% rye and 10% caramel 40L. This will only be my 2nd 5 gallon batch brew, after using mr beer for about 6 months and 6 batches.
I usually do all grain but from what I remember you can't just steep rye malt unless you plan on doing a mini mash with that stuff... I think.

I did recently do an extract batch of a different recipe with Northern Brewer's Rye extract -

Yeah I've read a lot of back and forth about whether you can steep malts like flaked rye and flaked wheat. Midwest supplies has some extract kits that include some flaked rye, basically encouraging their customers to steep flaked rye. All the reviews on it sound great. From what I've read it sounds like by steeping flaked rye, you can get flavor and body, but the negatives are that it can put things in the beer that may create off tastes or interfere with fermentation.

I did some tweaking to my extract recipe to get the Rye ratio down and the carapils up. Bad news is that this batch is being delayed by about a month while I brew a pumpkin ale. Also, I'm only just realizing that aromatic is a mash only grain so I converted it to a partial mash, which will be a first for me.

Safale US-05 Dry Yeast

2.5lbs 2-Row
1lb Carapils
.75lb Crystal 80
.5lb Aromatic

Malt Extract
6lbs NB Rye LME
1lbs Light DME

.5oz Perle @ 60
.5oz Perle @ 45
1.5oz Amirillo @35
1.5oz Amarillo @ 15
2oz Amarillo dry hop last 5 days in secondary
rebrewed this recently (just bottled it last weekend). My first attempt went over very well, but like i explained, was not a clone of Founders' beer. Lacked the strong flavor and bite. Very drinkable though, and probably my best brew to date.

So this time I increased the rye malt from 2.0 to 2.5 lbs. I also used gypsum in the boil which I hadn't before. Plus, I mixed in some columbus in the flavor and aroma doses. Went with Chinook to bitter rather than the NBrewer I used last time. Again, not so much to clone Founders, but to see if I could give this one a bit more oomph in the flavor.

One week in primary, a week in secondary with dry hops (1 oz amarllo, 0.5 oz columbus) then cold crashed about 3 days at 40°. Removed from fridge but didn't bottle for a few more days. When I took the gravity sample prior to bottling it was unchanged from my previous sample (1.014). This gives me about a 6.4% beer. Previous attempt was 70 IBUs (rager) in my app, but this one was 80. I tasted the final gravity sample and it was noticeably bitter. First brew was very balanced, with a lot of aroma and flavor from all late amarillo hops. This time I wanted more bitterness and bite. Might have gone overboard, but won't know for a couple more weeks I suppose. Probably could have stayed with the same calculated IBUs as the 1st batch, but just relied on the gypsum to make it pop more.
Texas is finally getting founders next week. w00t! After brewing this batch (post 86) Everyone that tried it was blown away by the beer. The first 5 gallons went quick the second 5 gallon even quicker. Word of warning though. Amarillo hops trails off after about a month. this beer is best drank in the first 30 days.
BgThang said:
Texas is finally getting founders next week. w00t! After brewing this batch (post 86) Everyone that tried it was blown away by the beer. The first 5 gallons went quick the second 5 gallon even quicker. Word of warning though. Amarillo hops trails off after about a month. this beer is best drank in the first 30 days.

And founders just announced no more bottled Reds RyePA due to lack of shelf life. Still kegs though
Just transfered this to a keg, didnt look very red to me! How has the color been coming out to you guys? Will pour one in a week or so and take a pic.
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I just had my first bottle of this clone and it is, by far, the best beer I've brewed to date. A great recipe that I slightly changed for some of my preferences. The finished product resulted in a very similar hops profile as the original. Color was spot on, and I would argue that the balance between hops and maltiness might be better than the original. If you are on the fence about this one, go for it.

Changes from the OPs recipe:
FWH 1.5 oz of Amarillo
Moved 30 & 15 minute additions to flameout and additional dry hop
Used washed yeast I had on hand (50 ml WLP001 California, 50 ml WLP400 Belgian) and fermented at around 64-66 degrees to limit esthers.

The result of the Belgian yeast was noticeable. No fruitiness at all , but a perfect compliment of peppery notes to go with the spiciness of the rye. This is a damn good beer.
Unfortunately Founder's isn't available where I'm at so I can't do a side by side but this is a tasty brew. Here's what I went with

Batch Size: 5.5 Gallons
Pre-Boil Volume: 7 Gallons
Boil: 60 Min
Eff: 70%
OG: 1.061
FG: 1.012
ABV: 6.5%
Yeast: Wyeast 1272 (this is what I had on hand. 1056/WLP001/US-05 will work as well)

9 lbs US 2-Row
2 lbs Rye
1 Lb Carapils
8 oz Crystal 40L
8 oz Crystal 120L
6 oz Aromatic
1 lb Rice Hulls

60 Min - .5 oz Perle
30 Min - .5 oz Perle
20 Min - .5 oz Amarillo
10 Min - 1 oz Amarillo
5 Min - 1 oz Amarillo
0 Min - 1 oz Amarillo (Whirlpool 20 min if possible)
Dry hop - 2 oz Amarillo (5 days)

* If you are crushing your own grain, you may need to tighten your mill for the Rye because it's smaller than 2-Row
* A Beta Glucan rest is recommended. I didn't use one and the sparge took forever. I also missed my 70% eff and had to use some DME to compensate
