Founder's Curmudgeon Old Ale

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I drink, and I know things
HBT Supporter
Oct 31, 2017
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Oxford, PA
Has anybody brewed this recipe from their site?

I'm looking to brew an old ale and I like the addition of molasses in this one. I think 2 lbs of Carapils
for a 5 gallon batch seems ridiculous. Breiss says 1-5% and I usually aim in the middle of that for
about 3%. Does anybody see any reason why they would call for that?

I have 1728 Scottish Ale yeast I would like to use for this.
I'm not a fan of 1728 as it has a soapy character for me, why I don't order Scotch Ales when out.
Our group did a 17 gal batch to secondary in a 15 gal barrel. The BIAB recipe we used has a 158* 60 min mash with a 168* mashout. We used Notty, I didn't do the fermentation and don't remember where it finished, but the beer was awesome. We used all Proximity malts, and thought we could up the molasses 2 oz.
Erik, big beers have a hard time keeping a good head so the amount of carapils is good. A good mashout up to 172* also helps. I do agree that if MO is used the munich can go away.
There was a comment recommending not using 1728. My experience is that I find it gives a bit of a minerally, but otherwise very clean flavor, and usually attenuates beyond the specs at lower (for an ale yeast) temps. I always wonder why I don't use it more.
I wouldn't bother with carapils at all personally, believe it's been basically shown to not do much at all in terms of head retention/foam stability as claimed. Not sure what I would sub in instead...maybe a bit of wheat.