And I thought I'd share with you guys. I was online the other day and decided to go ahead and finally get something thats bigger than my 7.5gal turkey fryer pot. The boilivers were constant, every brewday, at least twice, up and out the boiling wort would go! So I found this place online and ordered a 15gal pot. No more boilovers for me, even for 10gal batches!
A word of caution, a 55,000 BTU Bayou Classic burner will not bring 12 gallons of water to a boil in anything under eternity. I tried for 45 minutes and never acheived a boil. (although currently I can't get there to link it, stupid work computer is locked down tighter than the pentagon)
I'm not affiliated in any way with this website, I'm just passing on a good deal.
$89 delivered!
A word of caution, a 55,000 BTU Bayou Classic burner will not bring 12 gallons of water to a boil in anything under eternity. I tried for 45 minutes and never acheived a boil. (although currently I can't get there to link it, stupid work computer is locked down tighter than the pentagon)
I'm not affiliated in any way with this website, I'm just passing on a good deal.
$89 delivered!