Flavored Porter suggestion...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2009
Reaction score
Saint Louis
I will soon be brewing a Porter from a Brewer's Best kit. I would like to flavor this particular batch. To date I have not deviated from the few kits I have brewed and am an intermediate brewer at best. Any suggestions for spicing up my brew a bit?
I will soon be brewing a Porter from a Brewer's Best kit. I would like to flavor this particular batch. To date I have not deviated from the few kits I have brewed and am an intermediate brewer at best. Any suggestions for spicing up my brew a bit?
most kits I have gotten I have bumped up the malt extract/hops ratio. this is merely a personal preference thing, so if you have gotten brew kits from them before and enjoyed them I would not advise tweaking the recipe. IF you are talking about like a flavor addition, then either vanilla beans(like the above post states^) or coffee. vanilla is a nice contrast, but coffee blends very well, especially if you use good coffee. Again, this is a personal preference of mine, so you might not like/enjoy as much as I do. But these are the ways I have used to spice up kits before I started putting my own recipes together :mug:
ferment the beer out like normal, in a small jar add enough bourbon and scrape 2 beans out and add them to the bourbon. this will sanitize them as well as extract the vanilla flavor. if you do a secondary add this to the secondary, but if your lazy like i am and do really long primaries, add it to the primary once the majority of fermentation is done.
Thank you. I had read the vanilla / bourbon idea earlier and this confirms that it will be a good choice. How much bourbon should I use? It is important to note that a good bourbon is second to a good beer in my book (the ol' lady does not let me keep it around the house much any more though :drunk:).

Any thoughts on a good hop to use for dry hopping an american pale ale (cascade bittering / willamette aroma)?
Toast 1-2lbs of unsweetend coconut and add it in secondary for about 5-7 days.
Makes a great Toasted Coconut Porter
Adding some smoked malt (not peated malt) for a smoked porter is nice!!!

+1 for smoke malt. It must be converted though.

soak oak chips in bourbon and add to the secondary....

oak, bourbon smoked porter FTW:mug:
A website somewhere made a bacon porter! Baked some bacon to get it as lean as possible, then looks like they just chucked it into the secondary. Smoky bacon goodness...
I think I convinced myself to do it too, after my current Belgian tripel is done I'm ordering a chocolate porter kit I know of and adding a bit of bacon :)
if you want to "spice" it up a bit on another batch I would be keen to give adding two chipotle to the secondary for a smoky flavour with a little heat if thats your thing, its my thing :D
oh, I havent done it yet, but I am going to. I was planning a choc stout next anyways. I've had chocolate covered bacon before. It was good
most kits I have gotten I have bumped up the malt extract/hops ratio. this is merely a personal preference thing, so if you have gotten brew kits from them before and enjoyed them I would not advise tweaking the recipe. IF you are talking about like a flavor addition, then either vanilla beans(like the above post states^) or coffee. vanilla is a nice contrast, but coffee blends very well, especially if you use good coffee. Again, this is a personal preference of mine, so you might not like/enjoy as much as I do. But these are the ways I have used to spice up kits before I started putting my own recipes together :mug:

Finally getting around to the vanilla bourbon porter. I am going to soak the vanilla beans in bourbon this evening and plan on adding to my brew after I rack over to the secondary. Do I just add the beans themselves or do I add the beans/bourbon or just the bourbon?
Finally getting around to the vanilla bourbon porter. I am going to soak the vanilla beans in bourbon this evening and plan on adding to my brew after I rack over to the secondary. Do I just add the beans themselves or do I add the beans/bourbon or just the bourbon?

add the beans and the bourbon.
I just split the two beans in half lengthwise so I had four beans and scraped them. After scraping cut into quarters and added enough bourbon to cover them. Looking forward to trying the tasty treat.

"Now Apu, Mrs. Simpson claims she forgot she was carrying that bottle of delicious bourbon, brownest of the brown liqours...What's that? You want me to drink you? But I'm in the middle of a trial...Excuse me." - L. Hutz
Any update? I finally got a coffee stout recipe (with coffee malts, no actual coffee) together, and I think I'm going to ferment 4 gallons in a carboy and add an exotic ingredient (either Illy espresso, bacon, or Woodford Reserve bourbon) to the last gallon in a small jug I have.