First Lager...Any Suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City
I'm getting ready to brew my first ever lager (just finished my temperature controlling styrofoam pit) and I am open to suggestions. Bring on the recipes!

OG = 1.046
97.5% Pilsener Malt
2.5% Cara-Pils
21 IBUs any German Noble Hop(s) at 60 min. on a 90 min. boil, plus maybe 1/8 oz (5gal batch) to 1/4 oz (10 gal batch) at 1 min
Yeast = WLP830 or Wyeast 2124 or Fermentis W34/70

Mash ~ 2qts/lb... either single diffusion, 60 min. at 150°F
or (better)... single decoction- Mash in anywhere from 135 to 140°F, decoct up to 155 to 160°F. Direct fire mash-out to 168°F if you can or decoct up again.

Pitch yeast cold (45°F) and ferment ~50°F, do diacetyl rest if necessary (or if you desire) and lager (in secondary) at 33°F for 6 weeks.
Thanks for the quick response guys, this beer is more for the SWMBO so I'm leaning towards the bud clone