fess up are you all just drinking that last little bit of starsan?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2008
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you know which i mean. the bit that doesnt get out of a purged keg.
is there a way i am missing to get that last little bit of starsan out of the keg or are you all just drinking it in the beer?
I turn mine upside down with the lid off to drain. Then use fermentation to purge a dry keg. But I've definitely forgot to sanitize a keg early and had to set it up with foam inside. Don't fear the foam.
One of the big reasons I finally signed up on here was my desire to know just what Star San residue did to my beer. Because of probably equal parts my old-fogeyness and the slow comprehension I have now, it took me a long time to accept the resounding "Don't Fear The Foam" chorus on here... I finally drank a 1/4 of Star San (proper dilution) and it really had no taste to speak of other than being similar to a glass of water from the hot-water tap. The science tells us that it breaks down immediately when diluted beyond the instructions, into what is essentially 'yeast-food', so tasting it myself put my mind at least halfway to rest.. Flash forward a few years and I had a bit of an accident while kegging and delicious oatmeal stout; I had forgotten to completely purge a keg and my stout mixed with .5-1.5 gallons of Star San..Oops! Of course I drank it anyway and the only effect it had was a kind of 'dulling' of the details; lost a bit of nuttiness, a bit of the hopiness...not much, it was still enjoyable just; Diluted.
I get that you have an epicurean palate and might wonder the same things I did.. Do yourself a favour and pour about a 1/4 cup of Star San into a glass of your beer. You'll be able to taste for yourself exactly how irrelevant the minor residue in a keg is and put the question to rest empirically.
A bit of Foam :yes:
Liquid Starsan :no:
I meant that as a one time test! I don't generally advocate drinking the stuff, but if you're always wondering what effect it's having on your finished beer, doing so once really does give you peace of mind because you'll never worry about residue again.
is there a way i am missing to get that last little bit of starsan out of the keg or are you all just drinking it in the beer?
How much do you typically leave behind with your purging process? Standard Starsan dilution is 1 oz in 5 gallons (1:640). If you leave an ounce of that in a 5 gallon keg, that would be another 1:640 dilution. If you leave a ridiculously large amount like say 6.4 oz it's still another 1:100. I seriously doubt that anyone could taste a 1:64,000 dilution of Starsan, much less a 1:400,000 dilution. And I'm quite confident that it's not going to hurt you.
is there a way i am missing to get that last little bit of starsan out of the keg or are you all just drinking it in the beer?
I am not worried about a little bit of Starsan...I do have some concerns about the amount of oxygen that might be in that liquid, but so far I have not noticed issues. My 5 gallon kegs leave only a tiny amount of liquid below the dip tube. My 10L Torpedo kegs have a bigger gap below the dip tube. I have thought about cutting my gas posts very short so I could purge out liquid that way, but I have not taken that step.
my beers are always so perfect that i dont want to add anything to them not even a little starsan.

obviously kidding guys i will just consider it a necessary part of oxygen free transfers.
I definitely have a bit of starsan in my beer.
Once fermentation kicks off, I run a jumper from the gas post on the fermenter to the gas post on a keg that I keep full of starsan solution. Then I run a liquid to liquid jumper from there to a clean, empty keg ( with floating dip tube) and put a spunding valve turned all the way down on the second keg. When all the liquid has transferred, I swap the kegs and usually leave it that way until I’m ready to rack the beer to the keg. Sanitizing and purging my keg and transfer line.
I’m sure the floating dip tube doesn’t pull every last bit of starsan out and so far, I’m ok with that.
never used starsan in the keg...

keg gets completely broken down, washed with oxyclean and rinsed like crazy, inverted to drain dry, rebuilt and filled all within about 30 minutes...

starsan on everything else, including all the individual keg parts.
never used starsan in the keg...

keg gets completely broken down, washed with oxyclean and rinsed like crazy, inverted to drain dry, rebuilt and filled all within about 30 minutes...

starsan on everything else, including all the individual keg parts.
I was wondering about that. Maybe on my next sanitizer-keg fill I’ll switch to iodophor. It should have plenty of contact time.
I always put about a 1/2 cup of Star San in freshly cleaned kegs that stays until it's time to set up for purging with the fermentation gas from the beer that will end up in those (2) kegs. At that time, after swirling the keg to coat everything inside one last time, I pour out the Star San, re-lid the keg and hook it up to the purging line.

There'll be about a tablespoon of Star San sitting on the bottom that I'm totally ok with. If I cared, I'd blow it out the Out post with CO2 as all of my kegs have full length OEM dip tubes properly located in their keg bottom wells. They don't leave hardly anything behind - on the order of a 1/4 teaspoon...

If anyone here knows how to take a full keg of sanitizing fluid, pump it into another keg, completely dry the inside of the first keg, and fill it with beer with no oxygen exposure, I would love to hear about it, because I don't know how to do that.
If I'm doing it properly I rinse with water, clean with PBW, sanitize with Star San and then final rinse with Saniclean and cap off. Then they sit until they are used and, as long as they held pressure, are used straight from that.

Sometimes I don't do it properly.
Same with bottling? I soak all my bottles in pbw for at least a day, then rinse and scrub them with a bottle brush. Then I bottle the same day using Star San in an avinator. I press each bottle down on it 4 or 5 times to coat the inside, drain best as it will, then place them on a bottle tree to dry while I boil priming sugar, rack to bottling bucket, then mix in sugar. So there has to be some small amount of Star San in my bottles, too, right?
I have all my inlet tubes cut to be flush with the top of the keg, so that an upside down angled keg can blow out almost all the sanitizer.

If you drink beer at the bar that manually cleans glasses they get the "three sink" clean and you're drinking the sanitizer left over from the last sink, sometimes frozen onto the glass.

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