Favorite Brand of Coffee?

Homebrew Talk

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Go to killerbeans.com
Order a pound of their Medellin Madman
Make a pot in a French press
Come back here and thank me
I like Dunkin Donuts and you can buy that at the grocery store now. If you want the stronger stuff, you can get a bag from Starbucks, but it'll cost more
Starbucks is about the weakest, they burn their bbeans beyond charred leaving little caffeine, the darker the roast the less caffeine. Try some fresh roasted medium or light, not bought in a grocery store, you'll get a caffeine wallop lol. Plus Charbucks taste like liquid cigarettes.
Enjoying an Antigua Guatemala blend right now. Very, very good.

For years I would say that my favorite was Antigua. Now I'm hooked on Ethiopia Harrar Oromia, the only coffee I've had with distinct blueberry aroma

I was lead roaster at MoonBeans Coffees for three years before starting my new career, so naturally, that's my favorite :D
I like Peet's Italian roast. It generally gives you a lot of the deeper roasty flavors without any of the burnt taste a lot people complain about with Starbucks. Nicely balanced.
Dodd coffee from Houston, Cuvée from Austin, and Brown from San Antonio. I love Texas. :)

Those are my usual 3 usual buys.
Oh man if we are talking favorite coffee (not local), I've been across the entire US and back and I think Stumptown in Portland is by far the best coffee I've been able to find EVER. Locally speaking in North Carolina, Joe Van Gogh is excellent and so is Counter Culture.
Oh man if we are talking favorite coffee (not local), I've been across the entire US and back and I think Stumptown in Portland is by far the best coffee I've been able to find EVER. Locally speaking in North Carolina, Joe Van Gogh is excellent and so is Counter Culture.

Ah Larry's Beans, another great local coffee. We are quite fortunate here in the triangle area with top notch options
Well I kinda consider myself a coffee snob.I roast my own beans, I have a Baratza Virtuoso grinder and a Technivorm brewer. Sometimes I don't have time to roast and I
found in of all places, BJ's wholesale beans from Papua New Guinea. It comes in a 2 lb bag and it costs only 10 bucks! It is hard to beat and I find myself roasting less frequently now.

Sent from my iPod touch using Home Brew
We have some great coffee roasters in North Carolina. Raleigh to be exact. There is a small coffee epicenter here with some roasters that really know their stuff. Joe Van Gogh is a favorite.

Grinding your own beans is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to get great in-home coffee. After the bean is ground it begins to oxidize, loosing its freshness within a short span of time(hours, if not minutes).
Mariposa Coffee Company
2945 State Hwy 49 S
Mariposa, CA 95338
Phone number (209) 742-7339

Specifically their 49'er coffee. Some of the best I've ever had.
I am the Roast Master and Green coffee Buyer For Ravens Brew Coffee. Nice to get a shout out on the fourm! Thanks

Now if I could just get it in NC like I could when I was stationed in the pacific NW.
You can totally get the Raven in NC! Check out the web site ravensbrew.com we ship anywhere in the US.

This is not a sales pitch. There are a lot of great coffee companies out there. Some of my favorites are Raven's Brew, Portland Roasting, Coffee Bean International, Inteligencia, Counter Culture, Zoka, Stumptown, Café d arte, Water avenue, and a bunch of others. Good coffee doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of work and dedication to the craft, much the same as brewing beer.
Are you guys seeing these price hikes? Get your beans now. Environmental changes are effecting production of coffee
Yellow can? CDM? Do they still make that?

CDM is definitely still made, although I don't think they do an espresso roast. It's basically just the house coffee for Cafe Du Monde (hence CDM). I'm pretty sure they only do a Coffee & Chicory blend and a French Roast (and maybe a decaf).
Anyone in the Minneapolis area should go see Jeremy at The Roastery. The guy is a roast master and he travels the world and hand picks beans, brings them back, and roasts them every Tuesdays and Saturdays. It is quite possibly the greatest and freshest coffee I've ever had. Super nice guy too. I think he even sells online but I just hop over there since it's a couple blocks from my house. Lemme know what you think!

The Roastery, Inc.
616 West 54th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55419

I've been roasting and brewing my own for over 2 yrs now using a GeneCafe Roaster.I get a lot of my green coffee beans from Burman Coffee and stockup 2-3 a year. I'm amazed at the quality of inexpensive beans from the South American region. Was at the grocery store the other day and couldn't believe the prices in the coffee aisle. I usually roast the next batch around 6-7 am and look forward to the next morning (after a 24 hr degassing period for the beans) when the freshly roasted coffee is ready to go.
Anyone got a source for some good-tasting, affordable K-cups? I hate having to make my own cups using refillable cups and disposable filters. It's a pain in the rear when you're making coffee in the morning to wake up. :)
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For the last 5 years or so we've been ordering coffee from a place in Alaska, Kaladi brothers coffee. Love their Big Wild Life and Kaladi Cafe. All organic, great blends and great roasting. Shipping is comparable to most anywhere else, and it's usually at my door in 2-3 days.


They do have some good coffee up there. I've been meaning to order this white roasted coffee from akcoffeeroastery that I tried while in Anchorage. It's barely roasted, and when brewed, it tastes and looks more like tea, but it has so much caffeine it will make you shake. Definitely not for people that like to water down their coffee with cream and sugar as it already doesn't have the strong coffee flavor to it. Their other blends are pretty good too, for every day drinking. The white roasted would be a special occasion coffee when you need a serious jolt. Here's a link if anyone's interested.

Has anyone had Ruta Maya? Great reviews on amazon. I have 2lbs on the way for our office supply. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.