Everyone say hello to Perle

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We get it, you hate BMC.
HBT Supporter
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
New Bern
We got her last night. Our neighbors took her in temporarily after she was living in a barn where they ride horses. Those people apparently found her in a dumpster. She seems to be a beagle mix of some sort. We don't know how old she is but her teeth are small, sharp and white, her pads are pink, and her claws are clear with pink quick; she's definitely a puppy. She's playful but surprisingly calm. Penny (4y/o lab mix) is doing her best to tolerate her, share her toys, and even is letting her lay on the dog bed. So far Perle is observing penny and doing exactly what she does.



I love that you "sneaked" a hop name in there as well.

Does the missus know?

She does know. She was the one who talked me into another dog, and so I had more say in the name. Naturally it had to be one that we both liked, but when I wanted a beer name she said okay, find a good one for a girl dog.
Do you have a full body shot of your beagle? Every time I look at a picture of a beagle on the internet I feel like my beagle is undersized, but, he is over 15" at the withers and weighs ~25 lbs.


You can see the orange gatoraide cap on the rug :)
Yeah, here's two.

The one of him in the snow is about two years old now.

He's 36 pounds of solid muscle and over 15" at the withers.

Coastarine, sorry 'bout the hijack. ;)


My beagle Monday is a shrimp compared to Bailey! Thats one beastly beagle.

Yea, sorry about the highjack as well. We all love dogs though!
The love for chewin' the snot out of plastic water bottles must be buried deep in the genetic code for beagles. :D
Johnny, Your beagle looks similar to mine. My beagles head is slowly turning all brown. There is also some brown showing up on his back. I read somewhere that some beagles slowly change colors their entire life.
That's quite the cute little pup you've rescued there.

Agreed, you're a good person for taking the puppy in.

Side note, my parent's new dog (bernese mountain dog) is a freak about plastic bottles as well. He tears through them in no time.

I had a rescued Beagle as a child. Loved that Dog. Her name was Ginger... after the blonde on Gilligan's Island.

I showed the pictures of perle to ISIS, my rescued Doberman and she approves.
Good on ya.

Ah. nice piece of work resueing the little gal. Looks like you got a good one, and looks like Penny approves of the new family member.