Everyone Ready??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Cincinnati OH
Three more days till the Mr Beer influx. I've got my standard answers all set in a word document on my desktop (thanks to whoever it was who made that suggestion), I've practiced hitting Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V without looking. I refilled my anti-depressent prescription. I think I'm ready, how 'bout you? any last minute suggestions?
Have the Apfelwein recipe ready.


I'll try to head some of the questions off at the pass, being a brand Mr Beer newbie myself...but I'm sure I won't catch all of 'em (or be able to answer most).

I thought about doing pre-canned replies myself...;) :D

This season I'm going more for the IGNORE and DO NOT REPLY to those types of threads.

I don't want to get exhausted just because the noobs are too lazy to do a search...
homebrewer_99 said:
I don't want to get exhausted just because the noobs are too lazy to do a search...

I've been able to find the answers to just about all of my newbie questions with a little searching. Then again, I'm not new to the forum world.

Maybe a 'welcome guide' PM to new users explaining the best ways to search for things and a few hints here and there ("When asking an important question, don't title your post 'help', be more specific: 'There are caterpillars in my beer. Is this bad?').

Dunno if there's a way to do an automatic PM upon account creation, but it might be helpful. :)
1. Add another pound of table sugar.

2. Bottle it in 3 days.

3. Duck.

4. Got to the homebrew store and get some better epuipment.


Iz druck... ish.