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Many of us have RTD sensors already, some fairly expensive TC mounted ones. The amplifier board would be a far cheaper route.
This is just what I've been looking for. I haven't worked much with the ESP32 much but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Trying to build the perfect (for me anyway) one vessel system. So far what you have looks pretty damn good.
This is just what I've been looking for. I haven't worked much with the ESP32 much but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Trying to build the perfect (for me anyway) one vessel system. So far what you have looks pretty damn good.
Have a look at the github wiki there should be enough info to get u started, and just let me know if something is missing!
This is just what I've been looking for. I haven't worked much with the ESP32 much but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Trying to build the perfect (for me anyway) one vessel system. So far what you have looks pretty damn good.
Buy a boiler for sparge water and your brewlife / brewday will be easier.
Have a look at the github wiki there should be enough info to get u started, and just let me know if something is missing!
Yeah, I've been reading through that. I just ordered a board... so I'll know in a couple days if I can figure it out. lol
Buy a boiler for sparge water and your brewlife / brewday will be easier.
Yeah, I have all that figure out. I own a brewery which I'm currently selling.... this is my basement retirement system! Have a 15 gallon 3 vessel, but I'm looking to simplify and design something custom for me.
Yeah, I've been reading through that. I just ordered a board... so I'll know in a couple days if I can figure it out. lol
You do own a 3.3V usb to serial and some jumper wires?, you need that to flash the board.
I'm using this one and it works fine

More info how to connect and flash can be found on the ESPHome site:


This board has two double-row headers 10x2 for every GPIO pin on its ESP32 and a single row header for flashing.Programming can be done with 3.3V connected to 5V pin and GPIO0 connected to GND (via jumper or a push button).After flasing, if you want to test the board - it has to be powered properly via dedicated connectors, or via 5VDC applied to 5V ping.If you'll power it up with 3.3V on 5V pin - the MCU will brownout.

Programming header pinout​

5VDo not use 5V for programming
TXExposed on board 3.3V level!
RXExposed on board 3.3V level!
GPIO03.3V level! (Connected to a push button for programing)

Jeroen maybe some info that you could add to your Wiki page?
Yeah good idea, i think there is nothing about the serial connection on the wiki atm!

Do you mean use the teensy as a usb-serial adapter?, or run esp brew engine on esp?
I know it’s a stupid question but in place of the esp32 use the teensy board then add hardware as needed, I know the code will have to be changed, it has better memory
The latest teensy boards are indeed nice and have a fast soc, but i am afraid this project is fully based on esp-idf and supporting other platforms then esp would require lots of work which i personally don't have.

Also atm there isn't really any benefit, the esp cores are fast enough, cheap and have wifi build-in.
About using an NTC and ESP32 ADC, one of them don’t work if wifi is active.
The lineality problem is compensated if using the internal calibration paramers set in at factory.
For that you need to call analogReadMilliVolts(pin)
I got a 4 ntc setup for my fermenters and error is ~ 0.1 Centigrade.
You do own a 3.3V usb to serial and some jumper wires?, you need that to flash the board.
I do now. Like I said, I've worked a little with arduino and Pi but im by now means an pro. I was able to get the board hooked up and connected to the loader, but I just can seem to figure out which file I need to load. I have looked and tried several. Im sure it's something simple I'm missing, but I could really use a little guidance. Any help would be appreciated. Don't assume I know anything, I won't be offended.
I do now. Like I said, I've worked a little with arduino and Pi but im by now means an pro. I was able to get the board hooked up and connected to the loader, but I just can seem to figure out which file I need to load. I have looked and tried several. Im sure it's something simple I'm missing, but I could really use a little guidance. Any help would be appreciated. Don't assume I know anything, I won't be offended.
Did you get it going in the end?
Did you get it going in the end?
Unfortunately, not. The only way I could connect to the flash tool was with the USB cable the ESP32 came with. It goes directly to the USB-C port and has a "boot" button. It appeared to download something but it does not show up on my WIFI list. Using the connections with the serial device I bought (I have 2 different ones) did not seem to want to connect to the flash tool. I connected the jumpers to the Tx, Rx, GND and the 3.3v pins (4 wires total) and it never connected.
What kind of device do you have?, can u post a picture of it?

What tool do you use to flash?, does it have an option to show the output, the firmware print debug info like wifi connection etc to the terminal.

Did you put the device in flash mode?

When the flashing procedure start press both RESET (EN) and BOOT buttons, then release first the RESET (EN) button and then also the BOOT button. After the flashing software will recognize the hardware.
Unfortunately, not. The only way I could connect to the flash tool was with the USB cable the ESP32 came with. It goes directly to the USB-C port and has a "boot" button. It appeared to download something but it does not show up on my WIFI list. Using the connections with the serial device I bought (I have 2 different ones) did not seem to want to connect to the flash tool. I connected the jumpers to the Tx, Rx, GND and the 3.3v pins (4 wires total) and it never connected.
If you used the same board that Jeroen used, did you use the jumper to connect GPIO0 to GND? see my reply here above.
I don't think you actually need to do that, i just press the buttons as described above without any jumpers and it works fine.

I also presume he has another board since it seemed to come with a usb cable.
Hi Jeroen79,

I bought a Vevor DM-N30 brewing tank that has broken controller. Your great project seems to be a perfect solution to replace the controller and make the tank operable.
Your esp-brew-engine-full_*.bin binary was installed on a Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) by using Web ESP home tool. The installation went smooth, however the system is not working, no SSID is visible after powering up the device.
I could do a simple debugging only by using Arduino IDE serial monitor. The following short error is printed after restarting the device:

ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)


Do you have any idea how to resolve the issue?

Do you have any idea how to resolve the issue?
I am afraid ESP8266 isn't supported, atm only ESP32 is supported, ESP8266 is quite old and doesn't support the ESP-IDF framework so i am afraid it will never be supported.
I am afraid ESP8266 isn't supported, atm only ESP32 is supported, ESP8266 is quite old and doesn't support the ESP-IDF framework so i am afraid it will never be supported.
Thanks for the fast response. Then I need to order an ESP32 device and wait until arrives.
Managed to install the system on an ESP32. I have also managed to replace the NTC temp sensor with a 1-wire component. The threaded metal housing of the original sensor was very thin. Drilled out the analog component and ground the case of the DS18B20 to fit into the 4mm hole. Beleive or not, it is working.

Nevertheless, I have an issue with wifi scan. It finds no SSID. Should I try set the router's SSID manually?
How does speech work? Only "none" is selectable in the voice drop down menu. How can I add a voice?
Managed to install the system on an ESP32. I have also managed to replace the NTC temp sensor with a 1-wire component. The threaded metal housing of the original sensor was very thin. Drilled out the analog component and ground the case of the DS18B20 to fit into the 4mm hole. Beleive or not, it is working.

Nevertheless, I have an issue with wifi scan. It finds no SSID. Should I try set the router's SSID manually?
You can set it manual by just disabling AP mode and setting SSID and password , you could also try to decrease the power it might help, i heard some boards have issue at max power setting.

How does speech work? Only "none" is selectable in the voice drop down menu. How can I add a voice?
It depdens on the browser, in linux you have to install some extra packages to enable it, try googling speech api linux
I have a 2500w heater element how well will esp brew engine regulate the power? PWM vill not work with a relay and 220v AC. What type of settings can be done for the heater element?
This was my concern as well. Esp brew engine regulates the heating power in a - by default - 60s cycles. Within each cycle the operation time of the heating elements is proportional to the calculated power need by the PID algorithm. So, a kind of slow PWM. On the other hand, the PID output can go up to 100% at heat steps that means continous operation of the heater element in that cycle.
Would be good to have a power limit option (plan to implement it myself) to reduce the effect of hot spots and risk of burning sugar.
Correct, by default its in 60s cycles but that time is configurable, you do not have to use a relay, it can just as well be a SSR, but atm there is no PWM support, i also don't see much benefit for it, it would probably just wear out your SSR faster, water heating is a slow process so no need for fast switching.

But i agree with Sakos, a power limit settings per element is a good idea!
@Jeroen79 I run a test mash schedule successfuly. Then I wanted to start a boil one. However the schedule did not start. Neither after reboot. Is there a condition to start a schedule?

Setting "I" to zero in PID settings caused this.
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I never had that error, but if i search for it, it seems an issue with the esp http server, did your web interface file (index.html.gz) got bigger?

From what i read setting CONFIG_HTTPD_MAX_REQ_HDR_LEN=1024 in sdkconfig could fix it.
Thanks. It was a temporary fault with one browser. After a while it worked again. Strange.

Another question. I can see language files but no option to select language on the web UI. Is it missing or did I miss something?
Thanks. It was a temporary fault with one browser. After a while it worked again. Strange.

Another question. I can see language files but no option to select language on the web UI. Is it missing or did I miss something?
It uses the language configured in the browser, atm there is no option to overwrite that.
Is there any way to calibrate temperature process? Also would it be possible to add a second smaller pot for sparge water. That your software controls.

I'm in the process of assembly and I have testested your software. Great work!
Is there any way to calibrate temperature process?
I presume you mean some kind of auto PID calibration?, we don't have that atm but it is something that could indeed be useful, PID is quite complex to configure correctly, but creating a good auto PID is also a challenge.

would it be possible to add a second smaller pot for sparge water. That your software controls.
Good idea, i see you also created a github discussion/idea 👍 so if it it on the list i will consider adding it if i find the time.
I presume you mean some kind of auto PID calibration?, we don't have that atm but it is something that could indeed be useful, PID is quite complex to configure correctly, but creating a good auto PID is also a challenge.

Good idea, i see you also created a github discussion/idea 👍 so if it it on the list i will consider adding it if i find the time.
Not auto PID. Temperature correction might be more accurate. The DS18B20 in my experience can give diffrent temp values between diffrent probes. So if it's possible to take measurements with a know good source to find a correction value for each probe. According to spec it should be calibrated to +- 0.5 C at factory but that's not my experience. Any tested several probes in real life to see how they perform.