enough yeast for bottleing??

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Feb 17, 2013
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quick question, If I leave my wort in the first carboy for 2 or 3 weeks to condition, will there still be enough yeast left over to carbonize the beer when I add the priming sugar at bottleing time??? How long can beer be left in a second carboy and still have enough yeast to carbonate in the bottle???

Thanks again!!!!!!!!
Yes....even if you left the beer for 6 months there is still plenty....even if you cold crash there is still plenty. There are billions of cells in there and no matter what we tend to do there is still plenty to do the job.
Beer can sit for a very long time and still have plenty of yeast for carbonation.

Even at 33 degrees, it can sit for months and still bottle carbonate, so don't worry about just a couple of weeks!