I’m absolutely thrilled to share the fantastic feedback on my Munich Dunkel! Pending BJCP scorecard and notes, scoring a 40 and earning a gold medal has truly made me one of the happiest brewers out there. It’s such a rewarding feeling to have my passion and technical brewing practice recognized by the judges who set the standards for what makes great beer. Thirteen years ago, I never would have imagined winning—especially not a gold medal! I’m so grateful and appreciative to everyone who put on the event.
This is one of the highest scores I’ve ever seen, which naturally comes with a bit of quiet skepticism.
This beer is incredibly quaffable, and I genuinely enjoy it. It has beautiful ruby and garnet hues, topped with a creamy off-white head that lingers, showcasing small beads of carbonation. The flavor is medium body with notes of dark chocolate and bread crust, accompanied by a faint caramel sweetness that is not cloying. The hops provide just enough balance for a clean character, leaving you thirsty for more.
Interestingly, this same Munich Dunkel received a score of 29 just a few months ago due to "lack of body and malt". This highlights the fact that competition results vary, and it’s a reminder to all of us to enter as many competitions as we can to gather valuable feedback. Both competitions had ~200 entries.
Thank you to all the brewers here who inspire and support each other, as well as the quiet readers who follow along. I hope this post contributes to our ongoing conversation about competitions to help maintain continuity and a vibrant competition world.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on creating a delicious Munich Dunkel! Cheers to brewing better beers!
2024 Pacific Brewers Cup
Award: Gold, 1st Place
Table: Darker German Lagers
Overall Score: 40
Recipe - 5 Gallons
Water: soft spring water
Bavarian Lager 2206 - 1.5L starter 1.038
This is one of the highest scores I’ve ever seen, which naturally comes with a bit of quiet skepticism.
This beer is incredibly quaffable, and I genuinely enjoy it. It has beautiful ruby and garnet hues, topped with a creamy off-white head that lingers, showcasing small beads of carbonation. The flavor is medium body with notes of dark chocolate and bread crust, accompanied by a faint caramel sweetness that is not cloying. The hops provide just enough balance for a clean character, leaving you thirsty for more.
Interestingly, this same Munich Dunkel received a score of 29 just a few months ago due to "lack of body and malt". This highlights the fact that competition results vary, and it’s a reminder to all of us to enter as many competitions as we can to gather valuable feedback. Both competitions had ~200 entries.
Thank you to all the brewers here who inspire and support each other, as well as the quiet readers who follow along. I hope this post contributes to our ongoing conversation about competitions to help maintain continuity and a vibrant competition world.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on creating a delicious Munich Dunkel! Cheers to brewing better beers!
2024 Pacific Brewers Cup
Award: Gold, 1st Place
Table: Darker German Lagers
Overall Score: 40
Recipe - 5 Gallons
Water: soft spring water
Bavarian Lager 2206 - 1.5L starter 1.038