EdWort's Apfelwein in Primary for 9 months

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Jan 31, 2013
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Right, So I've had this Apfelwein in the Primary since late April 2012 (nine months) in my Garage which means that temperatures were likely as cool as 40*F this winter. My real question is weather it is still worth bottling.

I took out a small wine glass this evening to taste it, and found it to be not entirely unpleasant. It was very sour, and almost no taste of alcohol (though it did have a very alcoholic/wine-like smell). Dry, yes, but only slightly. There were certain sips that I enjoyed, yet others caused me to gag.

I should also mentioned that it was made with organic Apple Cider which was already beginning to naturally ferment in the Gallon jugs I received it in (donation from my local “health food store”). Also this is the first Alcoholic beverage I've ever tried to produce.

Help would be appreciated ;) thank you in advance
I find things can taste remarkably better with a little carbonation and cooled down a bit. I hate throwing out anything, so I would still bottle it and give it another month at room temp to carb up. But I also don't seem to mind bottling as much as other people...that is what eventually caused my brother to give up brewing altogether...

As far as the garage aging, I would be less worried about how cool it was than how hot it got. When it is cool, it likely just slowed down any processes going on, so it may be good it was left alone a little longer.

The questionable juice at the start might be something worth worrying about...but if it fermented out it certainly won't hurt you.

Just my 2¢
Thanks for the replies. I live in the Appalacians so summers aren't too hot, highest it had gotten in the garage last year was probably 77*F or so. That's a little higher than Red Star Montrachet yeast (or any yeast I think) is recommended for, but it should be fine right? Hopefully I'll have a little more financial stability (and I'll already have the bottles) for my next attempt at a homebrew project. I think I'll go ahead and bottle this batch. It doesn't seem too bad, and as you say Mr. LowNotes, I really hate to waste it. Gagging may have been an exaggeration lol, more like the flavor intensity was causing me to recoil a bit. From what I've read, bottling helps to mellow the brew right?

As far as bottling being reason to quit, I understand that kegging is a nice alternative. I'll probably look into that field in a few years too. :D
gagging is not what you are looking for, toss it.

Haha you're right, but I just can't bring myself to throw it away when the only thing I'll really be wasting is time, caps, and water. Besides, I may have been exaggerating lol.
I have some three year old AW in bottles which are still good (actually better now with age). It was in primary, however, only a month or two. Next time don't let it sit on the yeast that long-- there is no benefit after 30- 60 days.
Bottle it up. My stuff tastes tart at first but is a real winner when I'm sick of beer after a long day working at home. I bet your wine is drinkable. Add some carb drops or spooned sugar in some of the bottles for fun or carb up the whole batch.
Your AW is likely fine.

I recently had my apfelwein on the yeast for 7 months and it is good, no autolysis.

As far as the cider you used naturally fermenting before making it, I dunno what ill effects that could have. Its possible a friendly organism was responsible for that spontaneous fermenation or that it was an unfriendly.

That apfelwein has 0 sugar left in it which is one of the reasons it tastes tart.

The long and short of it is, full speed ahead, bottle away and carbonate(or leave some still) I personally prefer carbed.
Thank you all, will do. I'll be sure to post results in a few months too. (I think that's a reasonable time).

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you,

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