Here are a few questions for those on the forum. Thanks to DeathBrewer for the photos and description of how to do this. I was slightly misled and or assumed by the response from my LHBS, BIAB could not be done at home with a 5 gallon pot. He or I was wrong. Guess one should not assume!
After brewing my first Partial Mash I had a big issue.
I missed my OG, bad, by 14 points. 1.032 instead of 1.046. I think that means poor conversion rate of my grains.
Here is what I did that I believe to be relevant, aside from testing the ph of my water, which is filtered:
1. I held my mash temp at 152F
2. I did not mash out to 170.
3. I fly sparged at 60 min.
I removed the BIAB w/grains to separate pot at 60min., sparged with 3 gallons of water - some heated some not. By sparge I mean pouring slowly from a glass pitcher over top of the grain bag. Then I squeezed as much out of it as I could. The grain was so hot I needed latex gloves.
3. I added my LME at boil, then hops per instruction.
4. I used 6 quarts of water at start for the 4.5 lbs. grain.
I thought I was doing good when I ended up with 4.5 gallons to boil.
I only had to top off with 1.5 gal. pre-boiled water after 60 min. boil.
Though some online assistance, I learned I could add honey with little adverse affects and raise my OG by 8 points.
I ended up adding about a pound of honey once wort cooled. I aerated all of the crap in the glass carboy, like the Hulk, before each reading (2x) and factored in actual temperature of wort.
This leads me to think next time I do this:
A. Mash for longer than 60 min. - probably 90 to be on safe side.
B. Mash out for the last 10-20 minutes of mash at 170F. (bought a ss colander for false bottom)
C. Batch sparge (tea bag style) in 170 degree water while my wort is increasing to boil temps. 10-15 min.
(combine lauter and wort, then boil)
D. Iodine test Wort at end of 60 min. boil
E. Ask LHBS to mill grains a second time to ensure grains are cracked
F. Have some DME on hand in case my OG is short.
What are your thoughts on why my OG was so far off? What effect does missing my OG have? Lighter alcohol content than intended? Should I worry about missing the recipe OG?
Thanks again for your post and photos. Without them, I would still be on the LME/DME route. This involves way more learning and hence the craft. Cheers!