Durian Wit???

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
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ok, I have all the grains/hops/yeast for BCS Witbier recipe ready already...then I received a Durian...
What to do, what to do?
should I add the durian to the mash and then go a little higher on the oats and spices, going for ~7 Gallons into fermenter?
or maybe adjust for secondary?

ps. this just happened, and the yeast is already propping right now...
got my recipe adjusted, decided to add some darker malts for a kinda 'DunkelWit'
... currently halfway through the smelliest mash EVER!


6# Wheat Malt
3# 2-Row
3# Pilsner
1# Munich
8oz CaraMunich
8oz Oats
8oz Wheat Flaked
4oz Special B
Rice Hulls
~1/2 Durian

122F 15 min
154F 60 min

90 min boil

3 oz Strisselspalt 2% 60 min

will spice with Coriander, Cinnamon and a little Star Anise

Dear Lord my house Stinks!
Durian for the mash, notice how it broke down during the mash
and yes, I got a stuck mash, a very Stinky stuck mash

Now 1/2 hour into the boil the smell has taken on a more buttery, banana, spice tone, and the wort tastes a little like banana custard with nice warm malt backbone. Very Interesting!




now cooling down...and there's a strange chemical/medicinal flavor present in a low but noticeable level, I sure hope that goes away!
Otherwise, no 'vomit/dirty sock' elements, just custard/banana and almost kiwi, with a mild 'dunkel' malt character - a very nice pre-ferment brew!
Look forward to see what the yeast does to this! (WLP410 Belgian Wit II)
I'll ferment a little on the high side for this one, and perhaps add Durian to secondary (boiled briefly in reserved wort)
Durian beer. You,sir,are my hero!
I thought I was the only westerner alive to like this stinky treat.
I wounder if any of the creamy feel of the durian will come through.
Durian beer. You,sir,are my hero!
I thought I was the only westerner alive to like this stinky treat.
I wounder if any of the creamy feel of the durian will come through.

sa wat dee!

The 'creamy feel' of the Durian has seemed to survive the boil as a custard-like flavor and mouthfeel similar to banana...and there did not appear to be any 'oil slick'. I think the true sweet and creamy essence of the Durian might be diminished by the yeast, tho.
I can hardly wait to see what this brings...but I am a little worried by the mild chemical flavors present at this stage.
I'm curious too! So did you find the durian at the Asian market on 27th? That's the only place around here I've ever seen them.
I'm curious too! So did you find the durian at the Asian market on 27th? That's the only place around here I've ever seen them.

Chu Hai, on Appleton just N of Capital...they also have live Blue Crab year-round it seems
Wow, do you live in an apartment? Do city folks have pitchforks and the means to make torches? If so, are your mobbed neighbors chasing you?
How did you fare with the durian beer? I've been thinking of doing that for some time, too. Here in Malaysia right now it's durian time. A friend just gave me five of those fruits about half an hour ago. We ate three, and left two unopened. Then I read your message while checking the forum on Durian Beer. I have a brew coming up, so was wondering about how your brew is going so far. Are you still fermenting, or already bottling/kegging? If successful, I could then perhaps refrigerate the durian seeds for use in my next brew, what do you think? :D
Primary is done, thinking about adding two more Durian Pods to secondary but not sure...I may split the batch at this point.
Tastes like a creamy and spicy dunkelweisse but still has a little 'chemical' note to it, much less than before but still present. I'll get notes from an unsuspecting taster soon!
I shared a few bottles of this brew with friends...
Blind tasting notes for finished Durian DunkelWit:

'Subtle yet distinct durian flavor...if you know what it is...'(he was the only one who saw the label)

'Strange combination of Witbier yeast and German Dunkelweiss, spicy yeast without banana, but there's still a little banana-like essence'

'good Dunkel...what kind of yeast did you use???'

'Sweet, spicy yeast, creamy mouthfeel, slight unusual flavor...did you leave it in primary too long?'

'Unusual aroma, good Dunkel characteristics, strange yeast character...did you actually put banana in this?'

...so there you have it...
next time (and there Will be a next time) I will add more Durian to secondary.
Great to read the results! I haven't done the durian try-out yet, but for sure will be doing it with my next batch (still durian available here :D) I'm planning on making a stout next, and will throw in some durian. See how I can tweak it, and how it works out. Thanks for the suggestion to use durian!
Have wanted to make this since moving to Singapore....just because :)

Think I am going to try my hand at this one as well and see where it takes me. Maybe 1/2 in mash and 1/2 in secondary....? Will post final recipe when I get around to this one :). Gotta work up courage first :)
Go for it bro!
You are quite lucky in that Sgp in all its smallness has two lhbs as apposed to Thailand where we have,er, well, none.
And raymond at ibrew charges us an extra $15 for just ordering from him!
Will post recipe when I am ready to few and keep you guys up to date. Will have to brew outside cause wife will kill me otherwise!!!
I would have added to primary or secondary personally instead of mash.. I def wanna know how this finishes. Stinky or not.. it is a tasty fruit
Talk about skunky beer......yeesh. lol

Closest I've dared to venture eating it is some durian candy at the Asian market we have. It wasn't too bad, but there was still a slight yet distinct garbagey taste. lol