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I think you are correct. And I've had the JG version on my beer lines for years, including using the same fittings when changing from Ultra 235 vs EVA Barrier. I've lost confidence in using them on the CO2 side. Although the EVA Barrier is much better then the red 'CO2 line'.

I still had all my old lines in storage with other old brewing equipment. Cutting the barbs out and moving over to the EVA Barrier line, using hot water and a swagging tool, did not take nearly as long as I thought it would.
Out of curiosity, why use duotight fittings? I have been using standard flare fittings for 15 years and the only leaks that I’ve had are from keg posts. It seems like here and on Reddit there are constantly threads about duotight leaking. Is there some advantage in terms of beer quality?
Out of curiosity, why use duotight fittings? I have been using standard flare fittings for 15 years and the only leaks that I’ve had are from keg posts. It seems like here and on Reddit there are constantly threads about duotight leaking. Is there some advantage in terms of beer quality?
To my observation, when many changed to the EVAbarrier line, it was often paired with these duotight fittings (I can't remember if they are the same company though) because of the metric sizes and to make a simple easy to use package. Since so many are using the EVABarrier tubing, it makes sense that there are many that are using these duotight fittings now.

When they came out with them, they were being touted as more leak resistant due to the double o-ring, compared to the single o-ring of the John Guest fittings and other common brands that had been available.
I was recently thinking how expensive JG is and looking for alternatives. Never had a leak though and looks like they are worth the cost, glad I saw this thread.
That's a lot of fittings to spend "brass money" on.

Sorry, had to share. Catching up on this thread and when I read this I originally read it as Brass Monkey!!! Of course then the song became stuck in my head as I reread it as I knew brass monkey was not right. :off:

Now back on topic, I replaced all my gas side duotight 1/4" flare fittings back to swivel nuts due to issues with them cracking months after installation. Sure I had one or two in the beginning that I put on too tight as a learning curve. But then I had several that cracked well after the fact. For some issue I have not had any issues on the beer side though. Now I do have other duotight fittings on the gas side that I have had no issues with like in line regulator with gauge, elbows, and check valves.
Wow, almost ordered all the parts to convert over the holidays when everyone was running sales. My biggest hangup was the cost of the new tower shanks to fit the push connects so I never pulled the trigger. Sounds like I should just order the tubing and stick to barbs.
I had Ultra 235 line for my beer line and the 'regular red CO2 line' for years I swapped both for EVA Barrier lines. Had the JG connectors on the Ultra 235 in the keezer, conditioning fridge, and in several lines I disconnected regularly for kegging and never had an issue with them. The issue I'm seeing is only on the CO2 side.

The duotight is matched with the EVA lines by the manufacturer and resellers. Getting them on a barb isn't hard with a swagging tool and a bit of heat, but is not "consumer friendly"
Another place to firm up is the regulator / tank connection. I added a .7" flat rubber washer after bleeding a 20# tank down in a week :-(
I just did this with my new CO2 tank-I added a ball-lock post o-ring and it stopped the leak from tank to regulator. A little keg lube kept it in place until I could get the nut tightened to make the seal. I have had to do the same method with the occasional propane tank as well.
I just wanted to report back that after removing, cleaning, and careful tightening of the tail piece AND cutting a new beer line AND installing the little blue clip, I no longer have a leak from the Duotight tail piece. As to which one cured the problem, I couldn't tell you.
I'm referencing back to the first page, 4th or 5th post. Has nothing to do with what this thread morphed into, but I had to complete this.
Replacing my stand up keezer with a stand up fridge and was looking into going JG or Duotight for liquid lines. Obviously the shanks will be through the door, and now I'm a little concerned about leaks with opening/closing of the door.

Anyone use these and Eva lines through a stand up keezer/fridge door? The repetitive movement opening the door has me a little worried now.
Put a cable clamp on the door near the hinge line, and there will be no flexing of the liquid lines. No leaks.
Put a cable clamp on the door near the hinge line, and there will be no flexing of the liquid lines. No leaks.

Thanks. Yeah, I was thinking about using a little clamp. Did you heat that tubing up to make those 90 degree turn off from the shank?