Dry hopping pale ale kit

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Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Manitoba, Canada
I've dry hopped a no boil kit with 2 oz of centennial - is it going to get any bittering at all, or all aroma & flavour?

The more I read, the more I realize I need to get back into extract & grain kits...
Did you just throw it in? Put it in a bag? Weigh it down with anything?

2 oz. is a pretty good dry hop, you should get some nice aroma and flavoring, but I believe that bitterness requires a 60 minute boil.

Give it two weeks minimum.
Kevin K said:
I've dry hopped a no boil kit with 2 oz of centennial - is it going to get any bittering at all, or all aroma & flavour?

The more I read, the more I realize I need to get back into extract & grain kits...
Just aroma and some flavor (derived through higher aroma...if that makes sense.)

You can get isomerization (sp) in as little as 30 minutes under a full boil.

2 Oz's is a lot for 5 gallons. It should taste fantastic.
blacklab said:
Did you just throw it in? Put it in a bag? Weigh it down with anything?

2 oz. is a pretty good dry hop, you should get some nice aroma and flavoring, but I believe that bitterness requires a 60 minute boil.

Give it two weeks minimum.
I just dumped the pellets in. They sat up top for a couple days, and have now sunk to the bottom.

Biermuncher, think I'd be overdoing it to boil another ounce for an hour, and add that to my keg before racking the beer in?