I was just wondering how to do it the correct way. When I do IPA I add dry hop in keg for 3-4 days then put it in the fridge for 24 hours, then open the keg and add gelatin. But if I do it that way, wont most of the aroma get away? From the dry hop that is.
So what is the correct way to dry hop AND use gelatin in keg? Or is it either gelatin (clear beer) or dry hop and hope for a clear beer without gelatin?
I was just wondering how to do it the correct way. When I do IPA I add dry hop in keg for 3-4 days then put it in the fridge for 24 hours, then open the keg and add gelatin. But if I do it that way, wont most of the aroma get away? From the dry hop that is.
So what is the correct way to dry hop AND use gelatin in keg? Or is it either gelatin (clear beer) or dry hop and hope for a clear beer without gelatin?