Dry hop in keg and also add gelatin?

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Jan 23, 2014
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I was just wondering how to do it the correct way. When I do IPA I add dry hop in keg for 3-4 days then put it in the fridge for 24 hours, then open the keg and add gelatin. But if I do it that way, wont most of the aroma get away? From the dry hop that is.

So what is the correct way to dry hop AND use gelatin in keg? Or is it either gelatin (clear beer) or dry hop and hope for a clear beer without gelatin?

I was just wondering how to do it the correct way. When I do IPA I add dry hop in keg for 3-4 days then put it in the fridge for 24 hours, then open the keg and add gelatin. But if I do it that way, wont most of the aroma get away? From the dry hop that is.

So what is the correct way to dry hop AND use gelatin in keg? Or is it either gelatin (clear beer) or dry hop and hope for a clear beer without gelatin?

Cold crashing is enough for me. I never use fining agents and my beer is always clear.

I was just wondering how to do it the correct way. When I do IPA I add dry hop in keg for 3-4 days then put it in the fridge for 24 hours, then open the keg and add gelatin. But if I do it that way, wont most of the aroma get away? From the dry hop that is.

So what is the correct way to dry hop AND use gelatin in keg? Or is it either gelatin (clear beer) or dry hop and hope for a clear beer without gelatin?
Pretty sure the aroma you loose opening the keg is already lost.

I used to chill the beer in the keg a few days then add gelatin, then a few days later add the dry hops. Lately I have been dry hopping in the primary and kegging without adding gelatin. Results are about the same on aroma. The beer usually clears up in time(3weeks) and I don't have to purge the keg multiple times.

edit: forgot to add this thing
I seen this device and it looks like you could dose the keg without opening the keg. Been thinking you could DIY one with a PET soda bottle and carbonation cap.
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Short answer: no

This is exactly what I do. The vast majority of the aromatic compounds are dissolved in the beer, not hanging out in the headspace. If you think about it, the headspace in the keg never makes it into your glass...
I cold crash, transfer to keg, add gelatin and dry hops in a hop bag to the keg suspended with unflavored dental floss. The bag stays in the keg until it is kicked. I've never had any grassy or other off flavors.