Double IPA Recipe Check, Please

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
It seems the last couple of IPA's I've made weren't quite what I wanted to be, or what they used to be. I wondering if there's something in my recipe building that's a little bit funky. Anyway, with this one I want to make a very drinkable double IPA. The one thing that I'm really unsure of is the bittering addition. I'm forgoing any long boiling additions and only doing a first wort hopping. Anyway, here's the recipe:

5.5 gallons batch
5.5 gallon boil
Projected OG - 1.084
Projected FG - 1.019
Boil - 60 Min.
Mash Temp - 149 to 151

9# US 2-Row
2# Amber Malt
1# 8 oz. Light Brown Sugar
1# Sucrose
4 oz. Pale Chocolate
4 oz. Crystal 120

First Wort - 1.5 oz Columbus
15 min. - .5 oz Cascade
15 min. - .5 oz Centennial
10 min. - .5 oz Cascade
10 min. - .5 oz Centennial
5 min. - .5 oz Cascade
5 min. - .5 oz Centennial
Flameout - .5 oz Columbus
Dry Hop 14 Days - .5 oz Cascade
Dry Hop 14 Days - .5 oz Centennial
Dry Hop 14 Days - 1 oz Columbus
Dry Hop 7 Days - .5 oz Cascade
Dry Hop 7 Days - .5 oz Centennial
Dry Hop 7 Days - 1 oz Columbus

Yeast - Harvested Pacman with a large starter

Extra - Irish Moss @ 15 min.
Looks good, i dont do much on the cold side, but i think youll like the first wort addition, the formation of the hops as you start to get close to boil was kinda like fire for me
Amazing how close your hop schedule is to something I brewed a couple of weeks ago. I'd be interested comparing results after you brew.

My only reservation with your recipe would be the large percentage of simple sugar. Might not be over the top, but still a little high for my tastes.