Well i just had my first bad bottling day. For some godly unknown reason i thought it was fine to dry hop 4 oz of homegrown hops LOOSE in my fermentor. I use spigots in buckets. I thought tbe beer would just "filter" through a little slow. I had to use a pot to scoop up my beer from fermentor to bottling bucket. To make things even more interesting, since my volume was high i threw some in a gallon wine jug ( not dry hoped) and no way to siphon that either . I used a musclen ? Cloth to dump that in bottling bucket and splashed like kid in bathtub with a rubber ducky. And btw it smells godly and hydro sample was even good. Lots of columbus and zues little cascade and galena. My first harvest of hops too from second year plant. Will my beer taste like oxygenated crap? So disappointed about this one .