Don't Do That.

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. In other words, NEVER ASSUME your equipment was as it was when you left it last time. End of rant, off to sweep about 3 gallons of water off my garage floor.
Yup. check single liquid connection on everything before every session, no matter how simple or complex your setup is!
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Don't plug your RIMS element directly to the power instead of the PID controller and spend the first 40 min wondering why you mash temp is rising. Finally found the mistake when mash was at 185 F. I think I'm going to miss my OG from mashing too high.
Ha! Thought I was the only person to have done that!
Didn't brew for almost 6 months.(don't do that) during this time I shut down my glycol chiller.

This is weekend I brewed a 10g Guinness clone (do do that!) .. chilled it down to my ground temp's ability of 95f, transferred into the Sankey fermenter and set it on the glycol to bring to pitch temps of 66f. Went to bed. Woke up. Fermenter temp still at 75f (ambient room temp) and the chiller is working it's ass off... Go to work.. check on the progress at lunch. Still no drop. Chiller still working it's ass off.

Check the glycol reservoir. Find it almost empty with so the chiller coils covered in Frost.

Forgetting that water/glycol evaporates and not checking before turning up your system after a long hiatus.. don't do that!

(1.5gal glycol 2gal water later and my fermenter is sitting at a nice 66f)
Interesting.... I've never looked into glycol chillers - too expensive for me... But I just assumed they were a closed system and that the glycol could not evaporate....
Interesting.... I've never looked into glycol chillers - too expensive for me... But I just assumed they were a closed system and that the glycol could not evaporate....
Maybe expensive pro grade systems are. 8 dunno. I use a long haul draft trunk line chiller for my stuff. The tank is mostly closed, but imho not designed very well. Definitely plenty of room to allow evaporate to escape. The instructions even say to check the level every couple weeks. [emoji48]
While transferring the wort from the kettle to the carboy , I started cleaning up and walked away from an open valve. Transfer hose somehow felt it needed to jump out of the carboy in the time I walked from the brew area to the basement and back, total time 2 minutes. Lost a half gallon of wort on the floor.

Don't do that.
Allow your mother in law's new fiance to convince you to let him remodel the house for you, "because with 4 children under 3 you will never be able to do it yourself-and you know it will be done right."
11 months later I have a punch list a mile long of crap to fix because his Jack-a-billies were worthless.
Find out 6 months in that project is getting jacked up because his sons are sueing him for use the company that he sold to them to do the work-without running it through them for approval.

Let "family" handle your business- dont do that..
Brewed a Red Irish Ale that called for honey at flame out. I figured I'd loosen the top and pop the honey in the microwave, on low to make it easier to pour. Of course I stepped away. Came back to a honey volcano inside the microwave, what a mess. Quickly grabbed a bowl to put the bottle in. Burned my hand....dripped honey on the floor....and on the cat. Wife pissed. Cat is now licking herself more than she normally does.

Don't do that.
Brewed a Red Irish Ale that called for honey at flame out. I figured I'd loosen the top and pop the honey in the microwave, on low to make it easier to pour. Of course I stepped away. Came back to a honey volcano inside the microwave, what a mess. Quickly grabbed a bowl to put the bottle in. Burned my hand....dripped honey on the floor....and on the cat. Wife pissed. Cat is now licking herself more than she normally does.

Don't do that.

How long did you run the microwave. I use it to soften butter etc. 10 seconds......
Brewed a Red Irish Ale that called for honey at flame out. I figured I'd loosen the top and pop the honey in the microwave, on low to make it easier to pour. Of course I stepped away. Came back to a honey volcano inside the microwave, what a mess. Quickly grabbed a bowl to put the bottle in. Burned my hand....dripped honey on the floor....and on the cat. Wife pissed. Cat is now licking herself more than she normally does.

Don't do that.
My procedure for warming/thinning honey or syrup in a microwave: loosen cap. Heat for 5-10 seconds. Tighten cap and shake. Repeat until satisfactory. If the plastic container melts, it's too hot.

I figured this out after a similar disaster, minus the wife and cat.

Bonus tip: to get a sick cat to eat, smear her front paws with a mixture of honey and Gatorade. They hate that, and will lick it off just to spite you.
doing a BIAB, taking the grains out of the mash and putting it on a strainer that barely fits the kettle

1 minute later the whole thing falls in and splashes wort all over my kitchen, making clean up a lot more work than I'd planned.

Don't do that.
Don't lift your 1/4 HP sump pump out of your cooler by the hose when it's not clamped down with a hose clamp.

Hose came off, which resulted in the *dirty* rain water we were using to cool the kettle to shoot onto the garage ceiling, undoubtedly getting into our cooling wort. We pitched yeast anyway, and it was chugging along after 10 hours or so. Also, did a Rain Prayer. *fingers crossed*
Don't plan a recipe, get all the ingredients then take almost 3 months to get around to brewing it.

Don't do that.

Or if you do DO that, remember what beer you were making if a starter is involved.

I made a starter and then knew I couldn’t brew for several months so I crashed it and then poured into a mason jar which was put in the fridge.

Many months later I was stuck wonder what strange yeast was sitting in my fridge! I always document what beers are “at bat” and “on deck”. Well, except this time. [emoji1]

Yeah, don’t do that either!
Don't lift your 1/4 HP sump pump out of your cooler by the hose when it's not clamped down with a hose clamp.

Hose came off, which resulted in the *dirty* rain water we were using to cool the kettle to shoot onto the garage ceiling, undoubtedly getting into our cooling wort. We pitched yeast anyway, and it was chugging along after 10 hours or so. Also, did a Rain Prayer. *fingers crossed*
Update: The Rain Prayer worked. FG was 1.014 and not an off flavor to be found. :ban:
Don't go to grab your star-san to make a fresh batch to clean a few little things AFTER your brew day, only to realize this is the first time you grabbed the star-san today and you've actually done nothing but rinse all your equipment off in a bucket of straight tap water all day.

Maybe it'll be the best beer I've ever made.
Don't go to grab your star-san to make a fresh batch to clean a few little things AFTER your brew day, only to realize this is the first time you grabbed the star-san today and you've actually done nothing but rinse all your equipment off in a bucket of straight tap water all day.

Maybe it'll be the best beer I've ever made.
LOL!! Let us know how it turns out.
Don't go to grab your star-san to make a fresh batch to clean a few little things AFTER your brew day, only to realize this is the first time you grabbed the star-san today and you've actually done nothing but rinse all your equipment off in a bucket of straight tap water all day.

Maybe it'll be the best beer I've ever made.

LOL.. I second the request for an update.
Perhaps a testament to the "Beginners Brew Forum" that lack of "sterilization" does not mean the creation of toxic waste in your fermenter...…..
Don't used Wyeast 3711, then spend $40.00 on blackberries, peaches and apricot puree and expect any fruit flavors to remain. That yeast eats everything...maybe the wlp677 and bottle conditioning will make it better...fingers crossed anyways!
when you're planing on brewing the next day, and use your kitchen sink as a drain for your immersion chiller....don't leave it full of dirty dishes! :)
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while...
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while the reflectix is still on the kettle.
I will stop turning on the burner while...

Dooood, it's been nearly a year. It might be an idea to fashion a cover for the gas valve on the burner out of the reflectix and attach it to the wrap around the kettle. At least it will remind you that it is still there when you reach for the valve.
Changing your recipe on the go because you don't believe that so little hops can make such a big difference in a 60-minute boil. End up with a light lager at 3% ABV and ~32IBUs. Don't do that.

Congratulations on your new PIlsner recipe. :)

How did it turn out?
Don't used Wyeast 3711, then spend $40.00 on blackberries, peaches and apricot puree and expect any fruit flavors to remain. That yeast eats everything...maybe the wlp677 and bottle conditioning will make it better...fingers crossed anyways!
Have you tried backsweetening (even in a glass) to see if any flavors persist? Fruit needs a certain level of tartness and sweetness to taste right. Or maybe to be tasted at all.
Congratulations on your new PIlsner recipe. :)

How did it turn out?
I found it hoppy, and figured "light IPA". Proceeded to lightly dry hop it and now I have a seriously nice, hoppy, light session beer, with strong notes of tropical fruit thanks to the hops I used:
