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Posted this in the Epic Meme/Pic thread too, but it fits better here. This guy looks like a long-haired version of Tyler:

Woke up at 5am to what I assumed was a demon crashing around in the walk-in closet. Sat straight up and said "WTF is that!?", wife grumbles "its just the cat playing". Yeah if the cat is 100 ****ing pounds now. Near heart attack when the puppy jumps up into the bed. The puppy that somehow figured out how to unlock the cage. Oh. Boy.
Mine recently snatched a quart baggie full of Royal blue marshmallow/fondant my wife had leftover after decorating some cookies. A few hours later it looked like someone slaughtered a smurf village.....he got two carpets, two hardwood floor areas, and of course my son's backpack. Every time I cleaned up the remains of one smurf ID find - or someone would step in - another one.
Woke up at 5am to what I assumed was a demon crashing around in the walk-in closet. Sat straight up and said "WTF is that!?", wife grumbles "its just the cat playing". Yeah if the cat is 100 ****ing pounds now. Near heart attack when the puppy jumps up into the bed. The puppy that somehow figured out how to unlock the cage. Oh. Boy.

I for one welcome our new dog overlords.

he puppy that somehow figured out how to unlock the cage. Oh. Boy.

Clever and smart are rarely a good combination in a least for the owner's sanity. Lots of stories but in the current pack, one opens doors if not locked. Former Husky...opened locked doors.
Woke up at 5am to what I assumed was a demon crashing around in the walk-in closet. Sat straight up and said "WTF is that!?", wife grumbles "its just the cat playing". Yeah if the cat is 100 ****ing pounds now. Near heart attack when the puppy jumps up into the bed. The puppy that somehow figured out how to unlock the cage. Oh. Boy.

Clever and smart are rarely a good combination in a least for the owner's sanity. Lots of stories but in the current pack, one opens doors if not locked. Former Husky...opened locked doors.

She's been so good for the last couple days, despite that jailbreak. Now that you mention it though, I have caught her jumping at the door handle when my wife comes home to try to get out to see her.
She's been so good for the last couple days, despite that jailbreak. Now that you mention it though, I have caught her jumping at the door handle when my wife comes home to try to get out to see her.

Yeah, if you have door handles instead of knobs get in the habit now of locking them.
Did a quick 3 mile hike in the piney woods today and the pup did fantastic, pulled most of the way and led the group.

Might have pushed too hard, he wouldn't stand up while drinking water and has passed out asleep for the last few hours.

Hate to be a debbie downer but I lost my Rufus this last week. Was a 5 y/o German Shepard who was very dear to our family. He had a cancerous tumor on his spleen. We got him surgery to remove the spleen and everything was looking good then he suddenly passed a week later. Every one out there who reads this give your pooch a good pet on the head and a treat for ol' Rufus. He was a rider for sure, down for whatever and served as my families protector. Raise a glass for him fellas(he loved beer)!

@wallybangbang I'm sorry to hear of your loss and please let your family know too. Raising my coffee cup now and will make a proper toast to Rufus later.

We love them while they're here and cry like babies when we loose them.
@wallybangbang I'm sorry to hear of your loss and please let your family know too. Raising my coffee cup now and will make a proper toast to Rufus later.

We love them while they're here and cry like babies when we loose them.

I'll drink to that, very well said
Hang in there @wallybangbang
Thanks for all the support guys , I really appreciate it. He was part of our family and will be missed dearly but remembered forever in one way or another. My handle on HBT "wallybangbang" was the nickname of my blue tick hound that passed about six years ago. We always find ways to remember our canine companions. Once we get his ashes me and the fam will give him a full on 21 gun salute up at the property and spread his ashes just like ol Wally . It was both of their favorite places to be. Again thanks for all the love and to quote one of my favorite movies- gotta keep on keepin on
Hate to be a debbie downer but I lost my Rufus this last week. Was a 5 y/o German Shepard who was very dear to our family. He had a cancerous tumor on his spleen. We got him surgery to remove the spleen and everything was looking good then he suddenly passed a week later. Every one out there who reads this give your pooch a good pet on the head and a treat for ol' Rufus. He was a rider for sure, down for whatever and served as my families protector. Raise a glass for him fellas(he loved beer)!

Thank God that Rufus will be keeping Ol' Tuck company. I've been awfully worried, now, not so much.
This is a sad thread because of everyone's losses, but at the same time, it is wonderful to see all of the strays and pound pups that got good homes to make their lives better. We all win.

This is a totally appropriate thread to announce a new hobby my wife and I have. No selling, don't worry!

We travel around the country in our RV with our two dogs and like to visit breweries. We were amazed at how dog-friendly many of them are and decided it would be fun to chronicle our adventures through the eyes of our dogs, Charlie Brown and Lucy. So, we've started a blog, Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram account - all with the same base name: twobrewdogs. Like I said, we don't sell or capture emails or anything like that. We visit breweries and rate them on their dog-friendliness. Of course, the beers get somewhat reviewed by us humans! :tank: We invite everyone to contribute too, just include a picture of either Charlie Brown or Lucy from our Blog on your mobile phone as someone takes your picture at the brewery. (Like Flat Stanley who travelled the world..)

We'd love to build up a good following of dog loving beer you! Will you check us out and like/follow/tweet or whatever it all is? We're new to this but would love to add value to the community. Thanks!
@Twobrewdogs on Twitter
That looks like a fun pastime- just snatched a look at your website- I'll check it out fully when I'm back from work this evening.