Do any of you regularly use Omega 052?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2009
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southern IN
I have the going in a “juicy” (not hazy) IPA now and it’s my first go with this yeast.
For those that have used it more than once what kind of attenuation % do you usually see? I know that is much dependent on mash and raw materials, but in general?
What temperature do you like?

How much oxygen do you give it?

How many days until terminal gravity?

I think mine has stopped earlier than expected but I’m not giving up on this strain just yet. Might try a different malt blend that I know tends to dry out and/or sub in some sugar.
Just used to using cal ale which is about the least temperamental strain out there.

I just used this for the first time November 2024 and really liked it.
I made a 1200ml starter with it, 24 hrs on a stir plate, 48 hrs in the fridge, decant, swirl, pitch (did not add any oxygen to starter or wort).
Pitched at 67º and raised the temp to 71º over 14 days. My target based on the recipe was OG: 1.079 and FG: 1.021.
Actual...OG: 1.080, FG: 1.020, damn close to what was expected.
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That doesn’t really jive with my experience. I made another brew with it and improved a bit by making changes in the mash but still not great.
OG 1.060
FG 1.017
(keep in mind this was without dry hop!)

I’m looking for 1.012 or less.

I think I’m throwing in the towel on this strain. I fermented a degree or ao cooler but wouldn’t think that would make such a large impact in this case. 1.060 isn’t an outrageous gravity.
As mentioned, maybe I’m just too used to cal ale.
That don't seem too bad. What was the grist and mash temps?
Malt was:
45% german pils (low diastatic power)
45% extra pale planet malt (high diastatic power)
5% white wheat malt
5% maris otter

Mashed at 150 for 90 minutes.

100ppm calcium

mash pH was ~5.3

water:grist 3:1

Just rebrewed this with two changes- reduced mash time to 45 minutes and fermented with Omega west coast 1 and the final gravity was 1.011
Are you trying to just pitch a single pack without a starter? If so, what was the date on the pack? The pitch rate matters of course so if you're pitching 200B cells of west coast 1 and 25B cells of DIPA, they'll behave way differently. I find most vendors will have older packs of 052 because they move a lot less often the the ubiquitous Chico strain. The attenuation of both of those yeasts are about the same.
Are you trying to just pitch a single pack without a starter? If so, what was the date on the pack? The pitch rate matters of course so if you're pitching 200B cells of west coast 1 and 25B cells of DIPA, they'll behave way differently. I find most vendors will have older packs of 052 because they move a lot less often the the ubiquitous Chico strain. The attenuation of both of those yeasts are about the same.
All three batches (2 with 052 and 1 with west coast 1) were pitched with a 2L starter in a 20L batch. Can’t recall the pack dates but they were all less than 5 weeks old. Always make starters and discard most of the pack.

I of course haven’t used but a fraction of the strains out there on the market but I haven’t had attenuation issues with a yeast in as long as I can remember. Similar process for everything yeast related with some minor tweaks here and there. I’m blaming the yeast. As I discussed with omega over the phone, if this strain is this sensitive that I’ve done something it doesn’t like then not sure it’s worth pursuing further
I haven't had any issues with 052 attenuating but I have heard (Escarpment labs perhaps) that it is very oxygen hungry. A 2L starter seems like it should have ripped pretty good though.
Something I didn’t do is hit it very hard with O2. I’ve dialed that back over the last couple years.
Might be something for a 3rd go.