DIY Motorized grain mill...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2008
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Dürty Soüth, GA
Found the SS cart at IKEA on clearance... Motor from Surplus Center(plus a little spray paint), spider couplers from McMaster-Carr and my trusty Crankandstein 3D...




Have a possible hookup for SS fab and welding, so hopefully the hopper will be upgraded shortly... Going to try and abuse it tomorrow on a virgin run....
Does it have any issues chewing through grain with that little motor? Can you fill the hopper and then start it?
I did the fill hopper, then dump method today... Will try it the other way here in a bit... According to the site, the motor has 40 in/lb of torque IIRC...
That looks like the same motor we bought and connected to our Barley Crusher. We love it. It never binds up, just keeps a nice consistent slow grind going while we work on other things. We typically don't start it with a load on it, but when we stop mid-grind for some reason, it always starts right back up. Doesn't get hot, or complain, like the guy who used to have to hold the drill.
Very nice build! I have been wanting to upgrade my crusher for some time now and I think this is it. I am ordering one of those soon, I think I will build my own table/cart, hopper and coupler though. I want to stay on the super cheap. Thanks for the idea!
Nice and Sweeeeet! You'll like the fact that you have the mobility for the cart. Also at 40 inch lbs of torque you are right there for a good crush and it shouldn't bog down at all providing you have your gap set. I like the fact you have a reverse on the switch too. I wish I had bought my motor that had one.

I built something similiar last year and love it. My motor has 44 inch lbs of torque and even though I start my motor/mill first before adding grains it has never bogged down at all. Definitely better than using a 1/2" VSR drill IMHO. I have been all grain for nearly 5 years. Thought it was about time to "upgrade". Of course with this hobby you will always "upgrade/improve".

Congrats on your build. Oh yeah, watch out for grain dust. It gets everywhere. Putting some sides on that beauty would definitely help.
Walker : Warning about what? I am intrigued... Just in case something explodes... :mug:

Spider coupler was 1/2" on the motor side, 3/8" on the mills side and I think I used the Buna-N coupler...
Motor will arrive this Friday, I have an old Crank and Stein that I will use and I bought the LoveJoy couple from my local Grainger for $9. I still have to design and build the base and hopper but I can't wait to get this thing done!
Have to build the hopper still but everyting else is up and running. Thanks again for the link to the awesome motor!



Which coupler was it ? I dont see a 1/2" to 3/8 on the link you posted. and what is a buna-N. I'v been eyeing that same motor for almost 2 years now and im finally gonna have the funds to get the 3d soon and need a spider gear. Does the coupler on crankandstein website for $10 work? or does it have to be a spider gear?
Good looking builds, Duckfoot and chuckger!
Any chance one of you could post a wiring diagram including your switch? I have the same motor, planned on using a pair of switches (on/off, and fwd/rev) but if I could do it all with a single switch that would be a bonus...


[edit - added chuckger, didn't notice he had the same switch setup!]
call ypur local Grainger store and tell them what size shafts you have and they will set you up with a Lovejoy couple set, as far as wiring goes i have been drinking this new doppelbock that i made sinse 4pm so i am going to pass on trying to draw the diagram right now. if i have time tomorrow i will post it. here are a couple of shots of the hopper i built, it holds 14-15 lb of grain and works great. I think i am going to have to buy a new mill though, the ole crank and stien has seen a lot of action and doesn`t like to turn all the time. i am looking at a bigger (10inch) mill so i will have rebuild the hopper :( oh well. Cheers!


A wiring diagram would be sweet.

The motor for sale online has a wiring diagram with it for basic clockwise or counterclockwise rotation.


With a double throw switch, you can make it run in either direction by just flipping the switch (center position on switch is "off"):

hey guys, where do I look for the roller unit? Anyone have pictures of a setup/breakdown of the roller unit?
Thx for the wiring diagram. Thats what I thought, but wanted to make sure. I do have a useless electronics design degree if anyone wants it HA! Book smarts is different than real world experience.
FYI: I had posted the wrong diagram for the basic CW or CCW wiring, but the one I posted with the switch in it was correct. I updated the diagram above for the CW or CCW wiring.
That motor not only lower RPM, but it is also only 75% as powerful (40 in-lbs of torque vs 30 in-lbs). The motors are the same price.

That motor will probably work, but I'd go for more power for the same price, personally. Make sure you turn the motor on before loading your hopper, or it might not have the balls to get the rollers cranking.

Roller unit? You mean the mill itself?

The Mill itself. I'm curious if it would be better finacially to build your own. Granted, I would not have a motor. Instead I would use a power drill method to rotate the rollers/crushers. I've heard of people using bike pegs. My question is, Does anyone have a diagram of how it is put together for a man who is simple minded?

My Fiance is tough when it comes to me spending money on items over 100 bucks for my brewing. That's why I prefer to build my own stuff rather than buy premade.
The Mill itself. I'm curious if it would be better finacially to build your own. Granted, I would not have a motor. Instead I would use a power drill method to rotate the rollers/crushers. I've heard of people using bike pegs. My question is, Does anyone have a diagram of how it is put together for a man who is simple minded?

My Fiance is tough when it comes to me spending money on items over 100 bucks for my brewing. That's why I prefer to build my own stuff rather than buy premade.

You're not yet married and your fiance is already controlling your finances? Good luck to you.
That motor not only lower RPM, but it is also only 75% as powerful (40 in-lbs of torque vs 30 in-lbs). The motors are the same price.

That motor will probably work, but I'd go for more power for the same price, personally. Make sure you turn the motor on before loading your hopper, or it might not have the balls to get the rollers cranking.


We'll have to see, you may be right, it won't be the first time I made the wrong choice. I do prefer the slower speed however.

I wasn't suggesting other use that motor, I only provided the link because it had links to McMaster-Carr and a wiring diagram. I thought that might assist others.
The Mill itself. I'm curious if it would be better finacially to build your own. Granted, I would not have a motor. Instead I would use a power drill method to rotate the rollers/crushers. I've heard of people using bike pegs. My question is, Does anyone have a diagram of how it is put together for a man who is simple minded?

My Fiance is tough when it comes to me spending money on items over 100 bucks for my brewing. That's why I prefer to build my own stuff rather than buy premade.

There are a few threads on here regarding DIY mills :

However, if you are Significant Other Financially Restricted, and $100 seems to be your limit, I would suggest this mill from Crankandstein....

Good luck!
FYI: I had posted the wrong diagram for the basic CW or CCW wiring, but the one I posted with the switch in it was correct. I updated the diagram above for the CW or CCW wiring.

I actually noticed that - the motor did come with the wiring diagram for the first two options and it was just a tad different ;)

I also also noted that the third diagram used different colors for the wires from the first two diagrams, but I thought it would be poor form to comment on that :)

In any case, thanks again!

Duckfoot said:
There are a few threads on here regarding DIY mills :

However, if you are Significant Other Financially Restricted, and $100 seems to be your limit, I would suggest this mill from Crankandstein....

Good luck!

Thanks man. You are awesome, fantastic, cool, over the top, tremendous, super fly, rad, and any other word to describe "sexy".
sorry to bring back a dead thread... but i'm currious if the surpluscenter has an equivalent motor now. the one linked to is no longer sold on the site.

thanks for the info!
I don't think so. The original motor people started using was 40 in-lb of torque. When that one sold out, people shifted to one that looked and behaved identically, but was only 30 in-lb of torque.

Then that one sold out, too.