LOOK! He's diving into that can of beer AGAIN!
@JohnA: I've just put the spreadsheet in my "signature" below. It may change in looks over the coming months, but the calculations seem solid. It's in the public section of a Google drive (read-only, download a copy to edit it, created in Excel, but tested in Google Sheets - not recommended - and latest LibreOffice Calc).
This request has nothing to do with water chemistry, however, in you wealth of knowledge, I figure you may have come across a formulae for the following idea.
This is a runner-up to my way of thinking, brewing as of now.
With the typical "Amarikin" shouts of "Equestrian Urine" aside please.
I want to brew a Low-Calorie beer to my preference.
I'm thinking the only way is to follow the BMC way of brewing a gangly tasting high alcohol batch and then "watering it down" to a reasonable ABV. I would probably brew a really hard-assed brew of, say, 9% ABV utilizing amylase enzyme.
So my question to you, oh man of obvious great beer knowledge (not in jest), is there a formula to calc the ABV of a already done batch to add say, RO water -to a new target ABV. Ie. finished beer dilution target calculation?
The answer may be simple, as I have never considered of the idea at all.
I wish to brew a really hot shot tasting, nearly undrinkable beer, ferment out the calories, then dilute to a sessionable ABV of say 4.5% ABV, that "tastes
TIA -to one and all...