Did I screw up?

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Mar 7, 2016
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Brewed my first beer, one gallon extract hefe from.northern brewer. I was going to bottle today and had everything all set up but before I could start my siphon broke. Wasn't sure what to do so I just picked up the one gallon carboy and poured it by hand into each bottle. This obviously caused more yeast to be disturbed and get into the bottles than normal. Will by beers still be okay? Would I have introduced too much oxygen or too much yeast into the bottles? Or did I do anything else wrong that would cause my beer to get messed up somehow? Thanks.
Brewed my first beer, one gallon extract hefe from.northern brewer. I was going to bottle today and had everything all set up but before I could start my siphon broke. Wasn't sure what to do so I just picked up the one gallon carboy and poured it by hand into each bottle. This obviously caused more yeast to be disturbed and get into the bottles than normal. Will by beers still be okay? Would I have introduced too much oxygen or too much yeast into the bottles? Or did I do anything else wrong that would cause my beer to get messed up somehow? Thanks.

Main concern would be oxygenation, but as long as your sanitation procedures were in place and poured as slow as possible without creating a froth, you shouldn't have a problem. The WB-06 will settle out during conditioning, but being a cloudy wheat beer, you want the yeasty flavor. With my hefe, when I get to the last inch in the bottle, I swirl the yeast around and pour it into the glass.

Welcome to the obsession! :mug:
Not the best thing to do. It will apeed up oxidizing the beer and producing a stale flavor. It takes time to happen, so on e carbed, drink soon and you should not have a problem . Don't plan to store this beer.
Yes, you screwed up, but that's okay. We learn from our mistakes.

Next time use a regular piece of hose for your siphon and pinch it off for each bottle. Far better than pouring!

But do not fret, you have beer and as others have stated drink it soon, do not try to age it...at all.

Congrats and Cheers!
Did something similar, had a nightmare of a time bottling due to a blocked tap, I ended up using a jug to bottle 20 litres. (In frustration)...A couple of bottles were un drinkable but on the whole 95% were ok.... I did drink them as quick as possible though once carbed...
With the yeasty essence, the phenols and esters of banana and clove and, as others have noted, the relatively short time a wheat beer needs to age, you probably won't notice any effects of oxidation. You'll have good beer, so drink and enjoy!