I'm trying to figure out how I ended up with diacytel in my American light lager. I used Wyeast 2007 which, according to the literature, is a low diacetyl producer. I built a 2L starter at 50 deg F and chilled my wort down to the same temp before pitching, so diacetyl production should have been minimal. I let the carboy rise to 70 deg F for a day after fermentation was complete before lagering. The beer spent about a month at fermentation temp and another month at lager temp.
Low diacetyl producing yeast
Low fermentation temp
Diacetyl rest
Plenty of time on the yeast
Where did my diacetyl come from?
On the plus side, I now realize how off-putting diacetyl is in an otherwise clean lager.
Low diacetyl producing yeast
Low fermentation temp
Diacetyl rest
Plenty of time on the yeast
Where did my diacetyl come from?
On the plus side, I now realize how off-putting diacetyl is in an otherwise clean lager.