Well-Known Member
Is it just me or are they plugging the living sh*t out of this game?
If battlenet indeed stays subscription free for D3, I'll probably pick it up this fall. D1 and D2 were great games.
SwampassJ said:Someone mentioned guest passes that allowed limited game play to introduce players to the game as a sort of trial. Anyone have a spare lying around? I would hate to buy the game to find out I can't play it on anything above 1024x768 resolution.
ahaley said:The wife won't let me get it for a while until we get more money :/
TheMan said:Get titans quest for $8. This will stave some diablo 3 desire for a little bit, fantastic game. By the time you get bored with it, diablo 3 will be $30.
Someone mentioned guest passes that allowed limited game play to introduce players to the game as a sort of trial. Anyone have a spare lying around? I would hate to buy the game to find out I can't play it on anything above 1024x768 resolution.
If you have an extra pass I would love to give the game a try, I have a lenovo t510 that should work nicely
I have several guest passes I'll give you one if you want to check it out. Either PM me or reply here if you want me to send it to you.
It lets you play through till the first boss, which is pretty far actually. I'd say several hours of play time. I think you can try out all the classes this way too.
The cut scene's are top notch.
I'd be interested in a little free play time before my wedding too (with Diablo that is, if there was confusion). Guest pass would be appreciated.
Is it a subscription based price or a one time pay?
The box had 3 codes, but only 2 of them were for D3.... the other is for WoW.
Sorry Swamp, maybe HuskySibe can send you one of his... I ran out prematurely.
Sneaky Blizzard.