Diablo III

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Not gonna lie, with only one more semester in school I may buy this.. except for that it would detract from my brewing obsession.
I love the Diablo series, but will only get 3 when I know it's free to play, I've already settled down(I'm in the process of joint active duty army and dont know if I'll stay in ca after training) but it looks awesome!
Diablo2 is without a doubt the best game ever created. I will be playing it at launch. I just hope now that I'm older it hasn't lost its appeal.
I really want to get this game but with 6 months left until I finish my Ph.D., it would spell disaster. That is the main reason I didn't get Starcraft 2. I'll have to pick it (and SC2) up after I graduate.
I was reading the PC required specs and was surprised they seemed pretty low.

Don't need to upgrade my computer.

Might pull out Diablo II and play this weekend just to get ready and in the mood.
I read a joke article (maybe Penny Arcade) that reported Diablo 3 was going to be a stealth-based action game. To keep the die-hard fans happy, you had to repeatedly click the mouse button to stay hidden.

Reminded me of my college roommate who would keep me up at night with his Diablo-related mouse abuse.
If battlenet indeed stays subscription free for D3, I'll probably pick it up this fall. D1 and D2 were great games.

good idea to wait, i bought it this morning (digital download version) and havent even got to play it yet with the severs being packed
I played for about 3 hours last night. Very similar to D2...So much so I was wondering why it took so long...Beer and D3 though was great...If only my friends hadn't moved away or had kids so we could all LAN party again.

I really want to try this game but I'm right at the minimum specs for graphic cards and slightly above for the processor. I actually dug out the Diablo 2 CDs when they announced the release date for this.
I have been excited to play this game for years (I don't think I need to talk about how much time I spent on the previous games in the series). After seeing videos of it and reading about it however, I am EXTREMELY disappointed. I will not be buying this game. It is awesome that they decided to go with the same play style as D2 but the graphics are not "dark" enough the skills and spell animation aren't too impressive to me.

I'm sure it might be fun to play but damn.... after so many release delays and the years that have passed since I quit the old ones this just does not live up to what I thought it would be. 5 classes with pretty crappy backstories? C'MON BLIZZARD get your head out of your ***** and try!

Don't ask me what I expected, all I know is it wasn't this.
Thought I would post an update. Finally played for several hours and wow! I love it. I never played 2 or 1 but I'm digging this.

If anyone wants to party let me know ill post name and character code
I will have to remember to watch that when I get home, my work comp has no speakers.
Get some headphones / ear buds Host! That's what I do at work :)

I think I might pick up the game this afternoon. Hopefully all the server issues are mostly resolved. I need to get away from the monthly mmo's for a bit.
Someone mentioned guest passes that allowed limited game play to introduce players to the game as a sort of trial. Anyone have a spare lying around? I would hate to buy the game to find out I can't play it on anything above 1024x768 resolution.
SwampassJ said:
Someone mentioned guest passes that allowed limited game play to introduce players to the game as a sort of trial. Anyone have a spare lying around? I would hate to buy the game to find out I can't play it on anything above 1024x768 resolution.

hmm well I play it on 1920 by whatever. So it definitely goes above that. However I purchased a digital copy. Ill look to see if I get some type of pass for you
The wife won't let me get it for a while until we get more money :/
ahaley said:
The wife won't let me get it for a while until we get more money :/

Get titans quest for $8. This will stave some diablo 3 desire for a little bit, fantastic game. By the time you get bored with it, diablo 3 will be $30.
TheMan said:
Get titans quest for $8. This will stave some diablo 3 desire for a little bit, fantastic game. By the time you get bored with it, diablo 3 will be $30.

That's the name of the game, is it like diablo? I'll have to check it out
Someone mentioned guest passes that allowed limited game play to introduce players to the game as a sort of trial. Anyone have a spare lying around? I would hate to buy the game to find out I can't play it on anything above 1024x768 resolution.

I have several guest passes I'll give you one if you want to check it out. Either PM me or reply here if you want me to send it to you.

It lets you play through till the first boss, which is pretty far actually. I'd say several hours of play time. I think you can try out all the classes this way too.

The cut scene's are top notch.
I have several guest passes I'll give you one if you want to check it out. Either PM me or reply here if you want me to send it to you.

It lets you play through till the first boss, which is pretty far actually. I'd say several hours of play time. I think you can try out all the classes this way too.

The cut scene's are top notch.

That would be great. I'm sure I'll enjoy the game, just unsure of the playability at near min specs.
I'd be interested in a little free play time before my wedding too (with Diablo that is, if there was confusion). Guest pass would be appreciated.

Is it a subscription based price or a one time pay?
I'd be interested in a little free play time before my wedding too (with Diablo that is, if there was confusion). Guest pass would be appreciated.

Is it a subscription based price or a one time pay?

You just buy the game, no subscription. All the Diablo games thus far including starcraft is this way. You need a battle.net account, but this is free as well.

The game is online only, so you need internet to play.

I'll send you a code tonight also Creamy if you haven't gotten one already.
The box had 3 codes, but only 2 of them were for D3.... the other is for WoW.

Sorry Swamp, maybe HuskySibe can send you one of his... I ran out prematurely.

Sneaky Blizzard.