Decorating Corneys

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Active Member
Dec 5, 2008
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Has anyone Decorated/stamped/painted your corneys?

I've got several now, and it'd be handy to be able to discern them from each other, as well as show ownership. I'm looking for ideas!


I have a chest freezer for my kegs, so I used a paint pen from a hobby store and wrote numbers on the black rubber handles so I could easily ID each keg and what was in them. Nothing like wanting a light lawnmower beer and tapping into your chocolate stout!
Yeah, that's my first thought, but I'm wondering how hard it'd be to make metal ID bands for them or something, like a hammer on crimp or something. something like a belt.
You might be able to use a large worm drive hose clamp with some sort of tag with the name of the brew on it.

Or buy a few cheap colored caribiners and use one color for each type brew
'biners would be a good idea. I'm thinking more about the bands still... imagine a pre-made piece of metal, the circumference of the corney, with a loop of wire around the end of it... make it ... 1.5" tall. thread it through the wire loop and hammer closed for a permanent and hopefully tight fit. dunno if it's feasible though. :) i may just make some plates and hang them with the corneys. or stencils and spraypaint.
i cant find the thread but someone had their friend airbrush a couple of cornies and they looked AWESOME. apparently no problems with it either. if i find it ill put the link up for you to see
damn, I just use a post it and a piece of tape to label when the beer was brewed, when it was kegged and when it began carbonating. I take the paper off of it when it is empty and put a new one on when I refill it.
I will be painting mine with automotive spray paint as soon as they empty up. Mainly because I can't leave well enough alone but having them color coded would be nice too. :fro:
I put stickers on them so I know they are mine, and use ribbon and paper to create a hang tag with the contents:

ok i have to state the obvious guy solution to this problem.... masking tape and a magic marker. change the brew, change the tape, done.
ok i have to state the obvious guy solution to this problem.... masking tape and a magic marker. change the brew, change the tape, done.

Yep - Me too.
Except I use white or yellow electrical tape. It will curve with the top of the handle. I cover the top of 1 handle and use a sharpie to note what it is, primary date, secondary date, gas date, OG, FG, ABV, etc.

Works great, and I can see what they are in my keezer!

Yeah, my main concern was not to identify the beer inside the keg, but to show ownership and a unique identifier for the keg. The former just incase my corney ended up at a different location where there might be other corneys, and the latter for the purposes of beer tracking via log.
ok i have to state the obvious guy solution to this problem.... masking tape and a magic marker. change the brew, change the tape, done.

My man card is still valid! I recently started sticking these on the garage wall, I wish I would have started sooner.

Chalkboard paint.

Nice nectar btw.

I was thinking of this the other day, a ring of chalkboard paint around the keg, maybe about 6" wide. If it is done properly I think it would look cool.

Maybe vinyl wrap of some sort (like they do on cars these days) Pimp my Keg, although I don't know how well it would hold up under cooler temps.

Or polish that bad boy to gleam like a diamond!

My .02.
I've only painted one (a 7-up keg with green top/foot) a solid color.

i've also used chalkboard paint on my kegs with some success.
I've thought of painting decorating mine something beyond a solid color and naming them rather than numbering them. If I number them and one starts to leak/needs to be tossed then I have a jump in my numbers until I replace it.
Entirely too much tbh =P

Certainly not the sane solution.

But at least now i have some workable parameters for future keg mounting.

LOL! Yeah, having some hands-on experience with 3D printing the sheer volume of that collar was totally impressive for the commitment alone ;)

You should be able to cut that way down with some matrix techniques - introduce a large void percentage...
