De Koninck

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Boise, ID
I have searched around but havn't been able to find anything much on putting together a De Koninck style beer. The style is really interesting, the only mention I can find anywhere in beersmith is the water profile for Antwerp. Has anyone here put one of these together? I am still an extract noob but have about 10 decent batches under my belt and am looking at branching into some more esoteric (not available in Boise, ID) styles of beer. I drank De Koninck while I was in Antwerp and remember being really impressed but I wasn't brewing at the time.
I believe this would be classified as a Belgian Pale Ale, maybe, or simply Belgian Ale. You might want to look for a recipe for a Belgian pale ale. Also, Beer Captured has a clone recipe for a Boerke (which I've never had) and is listed as a Belgian Pale Ale. Of course the book also has Fat Tire listed as a Belgian Pale Ale and I don't think the two are very similar. Just my 2 cents from a beginner.

I'd post the recipe but it might not be the best idea to put copyrighted recipes on a message board. That being said, I'm sure the recipe has been posted somewhere on the net and could be found with a google search.

Recipe for Belgian Pale Ale:

You may also want to try Saison style (I found it to be more refreshing).