DC Area Group Buy #8

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Also off topic, but how common is it to have to submit your recipe to a competition? I dropped off my pale ale to the flying barrel last night for BBM. This is my first competition! Seemed odd to also have to provide my recipe.

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Also off topic, but how common is it to have to submit your recipe to a competition? I dropped off my pale ale to the flying barrel last night for BBM. This is my first competition! Seemed odd to also have to provide my recipe.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew

Good luck!
The Ward Labs Household Minerals Test W-6 gives you everything you need for $10 less than W-5A. That other test might be of use to pro brewers, giving far more than you need for BrunWater

That's an even better deal! Same test except for fluoride and iron. It was listed as $21, May 2013 (pdf). Unless you're on a private well or have known iron problems testing this ion may not be important. I don't know about the impact of fluoride for brewing.

One more note on tests, like Ward Labs, they only provide a snapsnot. The actual daily water composition may vary depending on the water resources and seasons. So get the water tested that is representative of your typical (brewing) habits. We know they use more Chlorine during the Summer months. The yearly reports by the water company show a minimum and maximum detection level, so chances are you'll be within that range during the year.
Both my beer (IPA) and my wife's (Blonde) have been officially dropped off for BBM!

Nice, good luck!! Don't worry (not that you would worry much, but) you have no competition from me. My beer dried out waay too far, didn't clear, and my hop aroma fell way off (I suspect b/c I didn't make any mineral additions). C'est la vie.
Also off topic, but how common is it to have to submit your recipe to a competition? I dropped off my pale ale to the flying barrel last night for BBM. This is my first competition! Seemed odd to also have to provide my recipe.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew

Same here. I'm not one to compete, but I'm curious as to comments on the barelywine I did so I entered it.

I didn't realize we could drop off to flying barrel now.
You all are correct - it depends on style. I am judging as part of our FOAM contingent of BJCP judges. We are judging only IPAs, Pale Ales, and Porters here in Frederick. All other beer styles would have to be shipped elsewhere. The judging is next Saturday. Good luck to all who entered.
Yeah so again, what's the deal with recipes? Is this a common requirement for a homebrew competition? how do people feel about that?
You all are correct - it depends on style. I am judging as part of our FOAM contingent of BJCP judges. We are judging only IPAs, Pale Ales, and Porters here in Frederick. All other beer styles would have to be shipped elsewhere. The judging is next Saturday. Good luck to all who entered.

Ed, is the BJCP scoring/judging determining the winner or is there a component of the competition that is dependant on the "celebrity" judges.

And thanks for the luck!
Both added.

And it closes the White Wheat split.

That's a lot of hulls!

If you change your mind and decide to split, let us know. We have one of those slated for splits already. It's going to be fun.

I guess my iPad hadnt updated google docs, sorry for the mistake

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Ed, is the BJCP scoring/judging determining the winner or is there a component of the competition that is dependant on the "celebrity" judges.

And thanks for the luck!

Each category will push forward a winner to the BOS round where live judging will take place on May 18th. The $6k winner is a BJCP formed panel. The $1k prize is a celebrity judging panel.

Here's a link:
Yes - this is a BJCP sanctioned competition. That being said, there are a lot of unorthodox things going on such as the recipe requirement (not typical), the quantity of bottles required to enter, celebrity judging (separate from the BJCP judging), etc. The guy who is running BBM works for Wantz Distributing out of Hagerstown (and formerly for Flying Dog) He is a bit of an arrogant know-it-all and came up with a bunch of this stuff on his own and then came to FOAM asking how to run a BJCP comp after the fact. There is A LOT of tension up here right now over him stepping on everyone's toes and trying to overshadow Frederick Beer Week, which is non-profit and run by volunteers. Nonetheless, we don't want to see a craft beer/home brew event in our city crash and burn, so we are continuing to help with BBM. Hope that lends some clarity.
Yes - this is a BJCP sanctioned competition. That being said, there are a lot of unorthodox things going on such as the recipe requirement (not typical), the quantity of bottles required to enter, celebrity judging (separate from the BJCP judging), etc. The guy who is running BBM works for Wantz Distributing out of Hagerstown (and formerly for Flying Dog) He is a bit of an arrogant know-it-all and came up with a bunch of this stuff on his own and then came to FOAM asking how to run a BJCP comp after the fact. There is A LOT of tension up here right now over him stepping on everyone's toes and trying to overshadow Frederick Beer Week, which is non-profit and run by volunteers. Nonetheless, we don't want to see a craft beer/home brew event in our city crash and burn, so we are continuing to help with BBM. Hope that lends some clarity.

Wowzers! Yea I was kind of wondering if there was something to the timing of this event, being so close to the BAM craft beer festival. Also, I wonder if this is why Flying Dog backed out of sponsoring the Strong Ales.

meh. Either way I'm going to both festivals and enjoying some fine ale with my friends and Joan!
Just wanted to ask one more/last time, could any one pick up for me in exchange for gas money or a few home brews? I live at the western end of 66, but could come into the city just wont be in town for the dates. Please pm me if you could possibly help. Thank you.
When you guys mill rye do you have to adjust your grain mill? Barley Crusher in particular. Or would it be fine if I run it with the rest of the malt, 2row/pilsner/wheat. I have it setup with the factory default gap and don't really want to play with it.

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When you guys mill rye do you have to adjust your grain mill? Barley Crusher in particular. Or would it be fine if I run it with the rest of the malt, 2row/pilsner/wheat. I have it setup with the factory default gap and don't really want to play with it.

i would mill it first, separate from other grains, and look at the crush. if it's not fine enough, run it through a second or third time. if that doesn't work then yeah, you'll need to adjust the gap... but try it alone first.

also, if you can control the speed of your mill, try milling slower.
I mill rye and wheat separate from barley, at .028", about the thickness of a junk mail American Express card. Barley gets .034", a regular credit card. No offense to rye. Or wheat. They just seem to prefer AE.

Monster Mill MM2, 1.5" rollers, 150-200rpm.
speaking of rye, I would like to up my portion Rye split to #10 (up from the #5 I had previously requested) :)
speaking of rye, I would like to up my portion Rye split to #10 (up from the #5 I had previously requested) :)

You're on for 10# now. 20# to go on the rye.

We still have various splits open with a total of 85 pounds yet to be claimed.

We also haven't set the actual date of the pickup, although I have seen some of us rooting for May 31, skipping Memorial Day weekend.
How do i get the latest price sheet? I emailed stone brewer last week and haven't heard back. If you have the latest sheet please PM me it.
How do i get the latest price sheet? I emailed stone brewer last week and haven't heard back. If you have the latest sheet please PM me it.

I think stonebrewer is traveling / out of town. Please PM me your email address, and I'll send you the link.
Ah, the power of those open splits.

Open Splits?


:mug: :tank:
I'm BACK!!!!!

Sorry for the loss of contact folks! I was in a place with little to no internet access for two weeks and just got off the airplane. Shooosh! So glad to be back home. Anyhow, I will get caught up with everything in the next day or two. Hope everyone has been brewing good samples!!:D
1x BRI1016 Briess Ashburne® Mild 50 lb
1x RAH1005 Rahr Premium Pilsner 50 lb
25lbs Rice Hulls 3262C stuppy (split closed)
1x BRI1016 Briess Ashburne® Mild 50 lb
1x RAH1005 Rahr Premium Pilsner 50 lb
25lbs Rice Hulls 3262C stuppy (split closed)

All added, thank you!

Stuppy's rice hull split is now closed. Make sure you bring a huge bag to put your share in.

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