DC Area Group Buy #8

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I'd like to take you up on your offer. I won't be back until June 12th so I'll contact you when I get in town to arrange a pick up time. :mug:

If you want to pick up a small amount of buckets let me know. I know Ed wants a few. I'll try to collect a bunch when I get back to work for everyone else.

Yeah I will take some buckets for Ed, once I drop off your grain, and will take them to him.
Is it too late to add more rice hulls to my order?


I would be willing to give up 10lb of my Rice Hulls from my portion. We can settle up later on the money end. The downside is I cannot be there Saturday for distribution/pick up. (I can do Thursday evening, although maybe 30 min late).
I would be willing to give up 10lb of my Rice Hulls from my portion. We can settle up later on the money end. The downside is I cannot be there Saturday for distribution/pick up. (I can do Thursday evening, although maybe 30 min late).

If you are okay with that, that would be awesome!

What kind of storage should I set aside for these for the split?? Contractor trash bags or somerhing else? I heard they take up a good but of space...
DISCLAIMER: Shameless plug and COMPLETELY off topic....

I have started getting into welding and will be coming up with single-tier, double-tier and triple-tier stand designs.

I will doing them for about $800-$1200 each, which will include; frame, burners/propane plumbing and casters. Other customizations will be available, upon request.

I have seen these for about $1400-$2400 online, depending on configuration plus a $300-$400 freight delivery charge.

I will post some pics of my next stand so you guys can see how these turn out.



Might be out of my price range but PM me what u got I'm gonna go electric but I'm gonna need a brew stand and pump set up for my soon to be built shead
I would be willing to give up 10lb of my Rice Hulls from my portion. We can settle up later on the money end. The downside is I cannot be there Saturday for distribution/pick up. (I can do Thursday evening, although maybe 30 min late).

That's really kind of you. :rockin:
I'll edit the splits list, leaving the $ exchange to you two.

If you are okay with that, that would be awesome!

What kind of storage should I set aside for these for the split?? Contractor trash bags or somerhing else? I heard they take up a good but of space...

10# of hulls will easily fit in an old 50# grain bag.
Don't use trash bags. Most if not all have some fungicide and odor control agent in them.
That's really kind of you. :rockin:
I'll edit the splits list, leaving the $ exchange to you two.

10# of hulls will easily fit in an old 50# grain bag.
Don't use trash bags. Most if not all have some fungicide and odor control agent in them.

How about some good ol' lawn refuse bag. These huge paper ones? I used those for my grains, too.
How about some good ol' lawn refuse bag. These huge paper ones? I used those for my grains, too.

As long as they don't contain any adjuncts (chemicals). You'd never know, some paper is treated to make it less flammable, or more water/moisture resistant.

I'd stick to used grain bags myself. I love the Briess paper bags, they're very strong and air tight. Among other uses, the woven poly bags can be used for building dams... :D

I must have had some other product in mind. Those lawn bags were the best and saved the day dealing with those rice hulls. Thanks for bringing them!
As long as they don't contain any adjuncts (chemicals). You'd never know, some paper is treated to make it less flammable, or more water/moisture resistant.

I'd stick to used grain bags myself. I love the Briess paper bags, they're very strong and air tight. Among other uses, the woven poly bags can be used for building dams... :D

I was hoping they'd be all "naturale" because they're supposed to degrade... It's just that grain bags aren't sold in stores ;)
DISCLAIMER: Shameless plug and COMPLETELY off topic....

I have started getting into welding and will be coming up with single-tier, double-tier and triple-tier stand designs.

I will doing them for about $800-$1200 each, which will include; frame, burners/propane plumbing and casters. Other customizations will be available, upon request.

I have seen these for about $1400-$2400 online, depending on configuration plus a $300-$400 freight delivery charge.

I will post some pics of my next stand so you guys can see how these turn out.



I'm interested let me know depending on the price

Just wondering if we have a total of how many guys are making it for the grain pickup on Saturday?

Also can we bring "samples" to drink there or only purchase? I figured I would ask instead of assume and get anyone upset.

Looking forward to meeting the rest of the group in person!!

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Yeah I will take some buckets for Ed, once I drop off your grain, and will take them to him.

That would be great! I really only have about 8 to 10 five gallon buckets and about 4 of the 2 gallon buckets(I thought they were 1 gallon but it says 2gal on the bottom). Once we ramp up production the buckets will come pouring in so those of you that want a bunch just have to give me a little time and I'll continue bringing them home to pass out. :D
Just got word from Mike that all the grain is in!!! Also the other Mike is letting us in and he won't be around until 11AM, so we start splits at 11AM on Sat. See ya then...

I am totally lost on who is picking up for who and if I need to pickup anything, so if there is something left at the end of the splits, it goes home with me and people can call/claim. If you are having someone pick up for you, please email Frits and I so we know to let it go with someone else.

Capt. Al: I don't think they would be okay with use bringing in homebrew to consume on premises. They will sell you a beer though to drink there or a growler to go. And if you wanna bring Frits a beer for all of his hard work, feel free...he'll just have to drink it later.
Tony: I have to be out of there on Saturday to be in Mt Airy to man my supervision shift at the FBW Beer Fest by 2 PM. Can I please ask that my splits be handled first since my other time commitment is beer-related? If we had started at the normal 10 AM, I would have been fine. Thanks for anything you can do. I am still picking up for myself and TreefrogPhd. Ed
Tony: I have to be out of there on Saturday to be in Mt Airy to man my supervision shift at the FBW Beer Fest by 2 PM. Can I please ask that my splits be handled first since my other time commitment is beer-related? If we had started at the normal 10 AM, I would have been fine. Thanks for anything you can do. I am still picking up for myself and TreefrogPhd. Ed

Ed: I think we can do that. Frits please help me remember to prioritize Ed's splits. Thanks!

11 am... ouch! I'll be there by 10:30-10:45 anyway, just in case we can get in earlier.

Of course we can prioritize splits for those who need to leave early, which includes myself.

First Priority handling:
  • AfternoonNap
  • ewrzesinski (Ed)
  • IslandLizard (Frits)
Tony can you still pick up for me - I'm in the UK, back on Wednesday...

I have 1 sack each of Munich, Golden Promise, & Maris Otter

Steve da sleeve
I have my son's swim team meet that morning so i can be last. My first time, so how long does it take to distribute?
CaptainAl will take my 15# smoked wheat for me. Thanks guys!

Here's what we currently have for collecting buyers' grains on 6/7:

  • stonebrewer picks up for res291que, novahokie09, and stevedasleeve
  • robfar picks up for stuppy
  • CaptainAl picks up for masonsjax
  • ewrzesinski picks up for TreefrogPhD
  • shoshin picks up for Petey44
  • reddskinnfan picks up for Bigbeavk

  • If there are any changes or corrections, let me know ASAP.
  • Everyone else picks up their own, unless we hear from you.
  • stonebrewer takes home all leftover grain. You can make arrangements with him to pick it up. Don't know about the ransom involved.
We have these down for scales and tables:

  • Robfar - scale (+ table?)
  • reddskinnfan - 2 scales
  • CaptainAl - scale
  • funnycreature - scale + table
  • IslandLizard - scale + table ==> leaving early (12:00pm)
  • ewrzesinski - scale ==> leaving early (12:00pm?)

Other help:
  • PikevilleBrew is also going to help.
  • stonebrewer oversees the whole-sack distro.
  • IslandLizard prepares the split lists and labels as well as split reconciliation sheets for each buyer, so you can double check and leave with the right stuff.

Who else is going to be there early and can help with the splits?
We can use a few more helpers. Working in teams of 2 works best for the splits. 73 splits to be cut...

Although 3 Stars may not open until 11, I think the split team should aim at being there by 10:45 at the latest, just in case we can get in early and get a head start. I'll be there by 10:30.

I need to leave by 12pm at the very latest, so you guys lose one scale.
11 am... ouch! I'll be there by 10:30-10:45 anyway, just in case we can get in earlier.

Of course we can prioritize splits for those who need to leave early, which includes myself.

First Priority handling:

Thanks guys!!! I will get there early too. I'll bring my scale, etc to help with division of the splits. Ed
I can be there close to 11, maybe earlier. It depends who's coming with me ;). I can bring a table and scale.

Excellent! More hands make for lighter work. :rockin:
I'll add you to the list.

Reminder, Guild Picnic:
That Saturday (6/7) from 12-6 the Free State Homebrew Club Guild has it's annual picnic in Patapsco State Park (Rte 40 entrance). It's family friendly, bring beer, soft drinks, food to share. There's also a wheat beer competition.
I am driving up w/Redskinfan and can bring a 75# scale also (see uploaded pic below)!

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I can help. Not sure if my scale will work for that, but can definitely give a hand

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The splits will be the longest/hardest part. If we can get those knocked out within an hour, we can all be out of there by 12-12:30.


And teams of 2 is the most efficient. One weights while the other bags. And we won't have Keith's buckets this time around, so bring some bags and weighting buckets.

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