DC Area Group Buy #8

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Invented the IPL
HBT Supporter
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
This group buy is open to HBT members who are local to the DC metro area, including MD and VA as well as the district. A limited number of folks in the Charlottesville/Waynesboro/Staunton area may participate as I drive there 6-8 times a year, but you must be willing to wait for my next trip home...

The intent of this buy is to be held on a regular schedule. We do not have a minimum order to make so we can schedule this to happen on a regular timetable and that allows you to plan your buys to the way you brew instead of having to stock up like the old model forced you to. Looks like we are getting in a groove with the buy happening every 6-7 weeks.

Some "info" and "rules" to go over:

* If you want the price list, PM me your email address...otherwise you don't get it!
* The pickup location is at 3 Stars brewery in DC
* TBD but we are doing this either every month or every other month (based on demand) and based on the weekends that Mike works...
* The pickup will occur the Sat. after the buy closes, so buy closes Friday night, order goes in Sat. AM, pick up the following Sat. AM at 3 Stars.
* Pickup time is 11 AM and ends at 12 or 12:30 AM (TBD), right before they can fill growlers so come prepared to buy from the HBS and get your growler(s) filled!
* If you cannot pick up your grain, you MUST arrange with someone else to do so and let either IslandLizard or I know who is picking up your grain
* All payment is via paypal and must be in by midnight Friday the week BEFORE the pickup
* Splits are a PITA, but as long as someone is willing to manage them we will allow them (IslandLizard is managing them now)
* If you suggest a split, you become the primary buyer and must pay me; everyone who gets a split from you will pay you and you arrange payment from the splitters
* In the past we have had issues with some sacks not showing up or the wrong sacks showing up; be forewarned that this can happen, though this is a new supplier so hopefully it won't
* The price list is given out by email so if you want it PM me with your email; no email, no list, no exceptions
* The price list is private, do not share with others. Have them contact me. Do not discuss pricing on the forum. Do not give out the link.
* When ordering please use a standard format, for example copy and paste the SKU + grain straight off the price list. Something like this:

2 x BRI1004 Briess Pilsen 50 lb
1 x MUN1001 Muntons Maris Otter 25 kg (55 lb)

10# WEY1031 Weyermann® CaraMunich I® 25 Kg (55 Lb.)

* ...and put it at the bottom of your post, away from text to make it stand out. In this example, the buyer is asking for 3 full sacks and to start a split of CaraMunich, of which he is taking 10 pounds.
* If you are buying splits, please quote the primary buyers post as part of your request post to make it easy for us to see what split you are taking.
* We currently create a very complete set of sheets that we keep on google drive with all the information about a buy. Please check it before asking questions. If it is not up to date, give us some time before posting. We do have real jobs, families, and we also like to brew from time to time...
* The brewery has growler hours at 1PM; they cannot sell you a growler before that by law. Don't ask.
* The brewery has a small homebrew store; PLEASE snag some hops, yeast, etc. to show your appreciation.
* PAYMENT is via PayPal only! Pay the week before the buy by Friday at midnight. Pay me at the email address I used to send you the link to the sheet. Use the pay friend/family option and DO NOT pay via PayPal check! PLEASE put your HBT moniker in the note section so I know who you are. Collating email addresses is a pain!

I will add to this over time and make this a standard start to each buy. Feel free to start buying...yeah reddskinnfan, that means you.
* When ordering please use a standard format, for example:

2 x Briess Pilsen
1 x Muntons Maris Otter

10# of Weyermann® CaraMunich I


I'd like to amend that.
Please add the SKU# to your orders so there's no confusion what you want. It also allows us to double-check when entering in the spreadsheet:

2 x Briess Pilsen BRI1004
1 x Muntons Maris Otter MUN1001

10# of Weyermann® CaraMunich I WEY1031

It's even easier to just copy and paste the SKU + grain straight off the price list. Something like this:
2 x BRI1004 Briess Pilsen 50 lb
1 x MUN1001 Muntons Maris Otter 25 kg (55 lb)

10# WEY1031 Weyermann® CaraMunich I® 25 Kg (55 Lb.)​

I would be up for a PBW split. I would take 20#.

I would also be up for a DME. Either Golden Light or Pilsen. I would take 20#.
Splitting a bag of acidulated. I'll take 15 pounds:

1x WEY1072 Weyermann® Acidulated 25 Kg (55 Lb.); split - I am taking 15 pounds

Look guys...I put in all the information Frits needs...:D
Put me down for 5# of the acidulated again. Also, send me link to new spreadsheet when started.

Put me down for 5# of the acidulated again. Also, send me link to new spreadsheet when started.

I think I'll try 10# of the acidulated malt too..

And as far my original split start, here are the SKUs.

PBW50 PBW 50 lb - I will take 20#

3441C Briess DME Golden Light 50 lb - I will take 20#

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Splitting a bag of acidulated. I'll take 15 pounds:

1x WEY1072 Weyermann® Acidulated 25 Kg (55 Lb.); split - I am taking 15 pounds

Look guys...I put in all the information Frits needs...:D

I'll do so when I get to a computer

It's not *that* critical for the splits, once it's on the list. It's the first entry I like to double check. :drunk:

Besides there's no other acidulated to be found anywhere, as far as I know. Sweetcell would know.

Waiting for the new spreadsheet link...

Does anyone have any 15.5 Sanke Kegs sitting around? I need one with the the lid NOT cut off. If you don't have one, do you know someone who does?
Just catching up after a day of brewing Gose and waiting for the snow!

I'll take:

1x RAH1005 Rahr Premium Pilsner 50 lb

10# Weyermann® Acidulated
10# Weyermann® Vienna
I've noticed a lot of people brewing Gose lately. I had a good one at Union in Baltimore Friday night. I've got a Berliner on tap now, I might throw a little salt in one and see how it is.
I'll jump on Reddskinnfan's DME split:

10# -- 3441C Briess DME Golden Light 50 lb

And I'll take some of the split mentioned by pikevillebrew above. I'm not sure who the primary is without the new spreadsheet:

15# -- Weyermann Vienna

I would like to add:

1x MUN1003 Muntons Pale Pearl 25 kg (55 lb)


10# of the Weyermann Vienna split, which I believe originated with Pikeville
Need link for new spread sheet. Also, what is everyone using aciduated malt for? Will try #5 lbs of the smoked wheat and at least #10 of PBW.

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We're trying to link to a shared Google folder, so we don't have to send links for each buy every time. Not sure if that's in place yet. I do have the sheet edited so far.

@ stonebrewer - Can you put all the group-buy spreadsheets in the one folder and send the link to the folder to all of us? Thanks!
Need link for new spread sheet. Also, what is everyone using aciduated malt for? Will try #5 lbs of the smoked wheat and at least #10 of PBW.

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Added 5# of smoked wheat and 10# of PBW

Typically 1% of acidulated malt in your mash drops your pH by 0.1
Now, as usual, how much it actually drops depends largely on your water's alkalinity.
Acidulated malt is made by naturally souring malt with lactobacillus. Think Reinheitsgebot !

We have relatively soft water and I use 88% lactic acid, But if I needed to use more, I'd use Phosphoric acid instead as one can taste lactic if used in larger amounts. Think of sour milk.
I was just looking around and see that many of you are still yearly supporters. You should consider a Lifetime Membership before the special reduced fare runs out. I think it's till the end of March, not sure.
For all those who I am picking up for on Saturday... I take donations in beer! :beer:

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Home Brew mobile app
I sent the link to the new directory out to "MOST" of you. Getting it to everyone might be a challenge without you prompting me. Please wait a day or two until I can get email out to everyone I think is actively participating. If by Thursday AM you still don't have a link, let me know via email instead of cluttering up the buy thread. I am handing out a link to a directory so I don't have to email every time or copy over the old files. We'll see how this works and tweak accordingly. Cheers all!
For this one I'll take:

1 X WEY1017Weyermann® Light Munich
1 X SIM1002Simpsons Golden Promise

Steve da sleeve
I always wondered what people use it for. Ten pounds of cleaner would be a lifetime supply in my brewery. If not on vehicles, what exactly is everyone cleaning with PBW?
I always wondered what people use it for. Ten pounds of cleaner would be a lifetime supply in my brewery. If not on vehicles, what exactly is everyone cleaning with PBW?
i bought 3 pounds about a year ago, and it's gone. so i'm expecting my 5 lbs to last me around a year and a half to two years. i could buy less and do so more often, but since PBW doesn't go bad i'd rather buy once and not have to worry about it for a while.

my main uses for PBW are cleaning kettles, hoses & pumps, carboys (gets that nasty upper ring of crud off) and bottles prior to refilling them.
Not everyone has the same equipment as me? I forgot about pumps, hoses, and bottles. I siphon or gravity feed everthing, kettle is aluminum and gets a light sponge and water cleaning, and I keg rather than bottle. Kegs get hot water and a brush, stubborn fermenters get a quarter scoup of oxiclean if hot water wont cut it, and I reuse yeast cakes about 10 times before cleaning a carboy, so yah, cleaner lasts me forever.
I'll take 10 lb of the PBW50 split. I think I need to wash my car with it.

Added to your carwash account. :)

I've been using a homemade version of PBW and the 20 oz I made last year is almost gone. I do save and reuse the working solution though, until it gets dirty. I know I miss out on the Oxygen action by reusing but I'll make fresh when I need it, or add a scoop of Oxifree.

As long as PBW powder stays dry it should last forever. They sell it for like $5-$9 a pound at the LHBS, depending on the size container you buy. I always cringe seeing people buy the 1 pound jars.

I do use regular washing soda a lot though. But at $5 for a 3.5 pound box it's a true bargain. I've only found it in supermarkets in less affluent areas. Makes you wonder why...

And I also use Surf and some more "industrial" cleaners for the real bad stuff.
Hot Automatic Dishwash detergent is wonderful for cleaning kitchen floors. I noticed that by accident :D

@ masonjax - Do you dump out the yeast in a jar, fill the carboy with wort and add some of the slurry back in? Wow, that's a time saver! And that works fine for 10 consecutive batches?
I'll jump in on 5# of the acidulated malt and 5# of the smoked wheat, please!

I was wondering what took you so long :D
Added to your account.

For myself I've added 10# of Smoked Wheat, before it's gone. You can use that stuff up to 80%. Didn't know it was so light, 1.7-2.4 °L.

==> 10# of Weyermann Smoked Wheat WEY1074
Please note:
Claphamsa's has graciously returned 5# of smoked wheat to the share pool.

He's on for 20# now and there's 10# for grabs.